Compusense Release Notes

Compusense Release Notes


With you, our clients, in mind, Compusense is dedicated to continuous improvements in our software functionality and performance.  Your success is our success!

On this page you will find highlights of the new features implemented in the software during our Maintenance Windows . In addition to the highlighted features, we always work on security- and performance-related enhancements, and bug fixes.

All Maintenance Windows start at 10 pm Eastern Time (ET) on dates outlined below (always a Friday ET), ending approximately 5 hours later (on Saturday ET).

All of our users get monthly email notifications about upcoming Maintenance Windows outlining the exact start and anticipated end time in their local time zone. Please be sure to check your Spam folder if you have not seen these emails yet!

The Latest Release

February 21/22, 2025 - Version 24.0.60

New Analyses for Tetrad, Triangle, and Duo-trio Data
In addition to the existing analyses for TetradTriangle, and Duo-trio test types, new analyses are implemented to reflect the changes in this area established by ASTM International.

Additional Graphing Image Export Format - .png
In Graphing across tests, in addition to the .svg image file format, it is now possible to export graphs in the .png file format as well for added reporting flexibility and compatibility across various devices.

Other Improvements:
  1. Wording improvement in the Designs library for the Duo-trio designs to clearly specify the control position.
  2. Updated our ANOVA Mixed Model analysis tool to R.
  3. Graphing across tests copies data rounded to two decimals now to match the view in Compusense.
  4. Category scales in Question options consistently display three decimal points to assist with analysis across tests.
  5. Test status references throughout the software now use consistent terminology.
  6. Image size limits increased to 10 MB when inserting images in the text editor in the Build tab of a test.

Past Releases

January 17/18, 2025 - Version 24.0.59

New Modules
Two new modules are available to add-on to your subscription at a cost:
  1. SMS Module: Enables you to communicate with panelists via SMS in addition to email.

  2. Panelist Single Sign-On: Similar to our SSO option for analyst access to Compusense, you can simplify employee panelist testing with a special SSO panelist website.
For more details about or pricing for these modules, please contact our Support Team.

Permissions for Analysts at the Group Level to Access Schedules Module
If you want to designate specific analyst(s) to manage all of your panelist scheduling, you can now request from our Support Team who should and should not have access to the Schedules module. By default, all analysts have access to the module if the module is included in your subscription.

Other Improvements:
  1. In the screen for emailing panelists who have not completed the test, we made wording updates to clarify the functionality.
  2. Improvements made in user experience when Category Wheel and standard Category questions are displayed on the same page.

December 13/14, 2024 - Version 24.0.55

Pivot Table Across Tests
In the Advanced search & analysis across tests, you will be able to generate a Pivot Table on data collected in multiple tests or sections.

Test Details Report
In the Review tab of your tests, a new report is added, the Test details report. It contains all the questions, the Welcome and Thank you screens, and page breaks, without any panelist results.

Active Analyst List Update
Users that have access to the Active analyst list will now be able to see whether any of their users has access to the Rewards feature.

Other Improvements:
  1. The ability to select multiple rows (records) is now implemented in the delete sample sets area.
  2. Graphing across tests now displays only the dates that samples were tested on. Blank columns used to display for dates between testing.
  3. Optional Pause feature no longer has a duration option.
  4. An issue with scheduling breaks in a multi-test schedule has been resolved.
  5. Time zone display for GMT in the Email history is fixed.

November 15/16, 2024 - Version 24.0.51

Automatic Points Assignment When Sample Set is Completed
With this upgrade you will have a choice to either continue assigning points to panelists when setting tests to Complete, or you can enable the new feature that assigns points to panelists the moment they complete their sample set.

The panelists can have the ability to redeem their points for rewards that you as an analyst make available to them. All transactions happen through the software without the need for manual tracking of total points redeemed, left over, etc. Contact Compusense Support to find out how this module can benefit you and they can enable it in your subscription, free of charge.

Other Improvements:
  1. Graphing across tests no longer gives error messages when trying to generate a graph on tests that are not compatible with the Graphing feature.
  2. User experience improvement in the Filters screen in all areas of the software by eliminating horizontal scroll bar.
  3. Double-clicking disabled in the Incentives area to prevent double incentives assignment/redemption.

October 18/19, 2024 - Version 24.0.46

Graphing Across Tests
New graphing feature is now available in the Advanced search & analysis across tests. Bring your data to life by graphing results across multiple tests to track the performance of your panelists and products.

New permissions levels
Standardize your testing with additional user permissions to limit user access:
  1. Build tab. Users with limited access will only be able to create tests from the Templates Library, and will not allow users to modify the Build area in a test. Contact the Compusense Support Team to learn more.

  2. Products library. Users with limited access can see the products but not create new ones. This is especially beneficial if you are using our Products API for product management. Contact the Compusense Support Team to learn more.

Other Improvements:
  1. Additional SKU analysis implemented in our Top Box Report's Turf Analysis.
  2. Improved error message in Panelists search for "between" dates when the "from" date is higher than the "to" date.
  3. The "Display name" column in lists of panelist and in panelist Column pickers now shows up once. It used to display twice for clients that have been with us from before 2022.
  4. Eliminated potential issues in Run test area when analyst time zone in Compusense does not match the time zone on their local computer.
  5. Improvements in 2-AFC tests with follow-up Comment questions and their display options.
  6. Streamlined sample updates by eliminating a redundant message about design change.
  7. Expanded the search capability on all numeric fields to be able to search for multiple numbers at a time.
  8. Eliminated issue related to drag and drop in the Build tab.
  9. Enhanced the user experience by enlarging the download icon in the Results tab.
  10. Fixed a spelling error in the Languages library.
  11. Disabled double-click in the Samples & design area to avoid issues related to that action.
  12. Improvements made in the Brevo emailing system settings (applicable to some clients only).
  13. Eliminated text display issue in Attribute limits when accessed from within tests.
  14. The deleted tests and schedules no longer send emails scheduled to go out in the future before test or schedule was deleted.

September 13/14, 2024 - Version 24.0.40

Email Service Provider Upgrade
We're transitioning to a new provider to ensure faster delivery along with offering deliverability tracking.

What to know about the upcoming change:
  1. Brevo is a new sub-processor for Compusense and will be sending emails on behalf of the application.
  2. The change will roll out to all clients during September/October.
  3. No negative impact to emailing should be experienced.
  4. No actions needed from clients.
Other Improvements:
  1. Cloning 'Email' Snippets no longer appear blank.
  2. Updated button wording to 'Schedule test' when scheduling a paused test to start in the future.

August 16/17, 2024 - Version 24.0.35

We added clarity to wording on buttons and other labels in the following areas: Build tab in tests, Products library, Panelist cards, Templates library, and Schedules.

Other Improvements:
  1. Test search results when linking a schedule to a test will no longer depend on users' device display settings.
  2. Tests scheduled to go live in the future now consistently reflect the time zone of the test rather than the time zone of the analyst viewing the test. This was happening in a banner at the top of the test.
  3. Issue resolved for time zones affecting tests scheduled to run in the future for not being available exactly when they were expected to be.
  4. API calls are no longer case sensitive.
  5. Translations that include 'special' characters now display properly on panelist websites.
  6. Requestable instructions can be modified in Chrome and Edge again.
  7. Character returns are handled properly in data imports for comments.
  8. Deleted panelists no longer affect the ability to deselect selected panelists in tests.
  9. Keyboard tabbing improvements in the Samples & design area for Firefox.
  10. Radio button display improvements throughout the software for Firefox.
  11. Audit trail now allows downloading deleted results in multi-section tests.
  12. The “Allow Stop before time elapses” feature in Temporal Category now works fully as expected.
  13. When changing the number of samples in a test, the type of design originally applied (Fixed, or Balanced, or Custom) will be maintained, but it will reflect the new number of samples.

July 12/13, 2024 - Version 24.0.29

Our 'classic' Samples & design interface will be fully removed after this Maintenance Window. You will continue to have the 'new' interface available to you.

Other Improvements:
  1. Increased the character limit for template names to enable you to be more descriptive when naming your templates.
  2. Updated post hoc for Duncan's multiple range test and Studentized Newman-Keuls test.

June 14/15, 2024 - Version 24.0.26

Mandarin Language Addition
Currently we have English, French and Spanish languages as options for translating analyst interface. With this upgrade we are adding Mandarin as well. Reach out to Compusense Support Team if you would like to assist us with adding your language to the list.

Other Improvements:
  1. Restriction in the Products library is removed so that your product codes can start with the letter P. We used to reserve this naming convention to Compusense products only, but this is no longer relevant. Now you can integrate API for your product management needs, if needed. Contact Compusense Support Team for more information if this is something you are interested in.

  2. If using manual blinding codes, you will now be able to change the number of samples.

May 24/25, 2024 - Version 24.0.21

Active Users List View
We are implementing a feature that allows subscription holders and/or other approved users to view the list of active analyst users in their subscription.  Contact Compusense Support Team to request access to the feature.

Panelist Point Centre
A comprehensive list of tests that panelists received points for, the tests pending points, the amounts of redeemed points, and the date for each transaction within the last 12 months. Contact Compusense Support Team to request this feature to be enabled on your panelist website.

Other Improvements:
  1. The date and time selector now works consistently in all areas of the software.

  2. A typo fixed for all of our clients using the English translation of the software. Other translations were not affected.

  3. Issue with deleting large number of questions and attributes where the delete button would become disabled has been fixed.

  4. Regional date and time format will now reflect on the panelist websites, in the Schedules area.

April 12/13, 2024 - Version 24.0.17

The New Samples & design Tab is Almost Ready for Full Launch
In this release the new Samples & design tab will be enabled by default.
We are getting ready to make the new Samples & design tab the only option, very soon. We encourage you to get familiar with the new version and provide us feedback about it before we permanently remove the 'classic' version of the Samples & design tab.

Other Improvements:
  1. In your paused test with dynamic samples, you will be able to update the existing samples and add new samples.

  2. In paused tests that do not use dynamic samples, you will be able to update existing samples.

  3. The Samples table in the Samples & design tab of tests will by default display the Sample type and Image fields.

  4. If your test is using a fixed design, even if you update the number of samples, the design will remain fixed rather than defaulting to balanced.

  5. Menu options are updated in the new Text editor to make the text formatting tools you need readily available.

  6. Schedule quotas for age ('year of birth between x and y') criterion is now saving and working properly.

March 15/16, 2024 - Version 24.0.08

New Text Editor
We are implementing a new text editor to enhance your instructions writing toolkit. The interface has more options now with added spellcheck capabilities.

Time Intensity (TI) Curve Smoothing
In addition to the curve smoothing options implemented last month for our Temporal Choice Workbook (TCATA, TDS, TOS, and Temporal Category), we are now introducing the same options for the TI Workbook.

Other Improvements:
  1. You can search for schedules by their IDs in addition to their names.

  2. Templates library improvements:
    1. Section names properly reflect in tests they are added to.

    2. Attribute names can be updated without issues.

February 23/24, 2024 - Version 24.0.6

Check All That Apply Wheel
When all you expect from your panelists to do is to indicate the attributes they perceived without scaling them, use the CATA Wheel setup. 

General Wheel Question Options Additions
In the Question options of the Line Scale and Category (also CATA) Wheels, you will have the following new options:

1. If an attribute in the outer segment of the wheel is scaled, prompt panelists to scale the next inner segment too before they can continue to the next screen.

In a CATA Wheel, the inner segments will automatically get selected, as seen in the video below.

2. If an attribute in the inner segment of the wheel is scaled, prompt panelists to scale all the outer segment attributes.

3. If an attribute in the inner segment of the wheel is scaled, prompt panelists to scale at least one of the outer segment attributes.

4. If a selection in an attribute in the inner segment of the wheel is cleared, automatically clear all selections made in the next outer segment attributes.

5. If a selection in an attribute in the outer segment of the wheel is cleared, automatically clear the selection made in the next inner segment attribute.

6. You have seen in some of the above videos and perhaps experienced in your testing that scales for selected attributes are displayed to panelists below the Wheel. Now you will have an option to either show or hide the scales below the Wheel.

Temporal Workbook Updates
We are adding some new options in the Reports area for the Temporal Workbook (applicable to the TDS, TOS, Temporal Category, and TCATA tests):
  1. Time standardization. You can keep this option disabled or enable left trim (from Start to the first attribute), or right trim (from the last attribute to Stop).

  2. Curve smoothing. You can keep this option disabled or enable options for less smooth, smooth, or more smooth.

  3. Split data by Events. In Temporal tests that have the Events enabled, you will have the option to split data by those events.

Attribute Limits in the Products Library

If you have not noticed already, when you click on a product in the Products library, a Product Card opens up. We are adding a new tab, called Attribute limits where you can add attributes relevant to the product and set lower limits, upper limits and targets for those attributes. The reporting portion of this feature will be available in the near future.

Other Improvements:
  1. Deleted tests can once again be recovered.

  2. Editing templates in the Templates library is fully functional.

  3. Sample list library provides more efficient sample editing through a click on the sample name.

  4. Sample type in a test keeps original selection until new selection is saved.

January 12/13, 2024

Our major focus in this release was on the back end enhancements, in preparation for future amazing features. We also updated the calculation in A-not A tests.

December 15/16, 2023

Product Card for Easier Product Management
The same functionality you love about the Panelist Card you can now enjoy when working with your Products, too!

Improvements to the Advanced Search & Analysis Across Tests
After our December release, your latest search criteria in the Advanced search & analysis across tests area will be saved for you. Navigate away from the page with confidence that your search results will wait for you!

You Asked, We Listened. Text Editor Improvements are Here!
We are working on transitioning to a new Text Editor with great new features! If you'd like early access, please reach out to our Support Team for access to the Beta version!

Other Improvements:
  1. For additional transparency, if a Schedule is deleted we will still show in the panelist website email history tab the emails which were sent prior to the Schedule deletion.

  2. Updated error message to reflect the affected Category question where the number of attributes and the design don't match.

  3. Sample List library now uses the date format found in your user settings to reflect your time zone and region.

  4. Time Intensity (TI) Workbook, in the Export Parameters sheet, reflects the interval selected during the test setup.

November 17/18, 2023

New Panelists Library Report - Accepted Terms & Conditions Report
If your subscription uses the functionality that requires panelists to accept the terms and conditions on their very first login, as of our November 2023 release, you can generate a report to see who accepted the terms and conditions, and who did not. Contact the Support Team if you would like to implement the option for accepting terms and conditions.

Sample List Library Just Got Even Better!
Had a change of plans and needed to return sample(s) from your test that you previously added from the Sample List, or simply accidentally added wrong samples from the Sample List to a test? No problem! You can now return samples to the Sample List and use them when needed and where needed.

Import Data Into Compusense
You have read it correctly! After the November 2023 release, you will be able to import data from a .csv file into a test in Compusense. Please note that for successful import, the data formatting has to match the test setup. Visit our scenario based workflow for details.

Serve Report for Tetrad and Triangle Tests
You asked, we listened! You wanted to see a clear distinction between tetrads and triads in the Serve report, and so we made these stand out more.

October 13/14, 2023

Sample List Library
With our great new feature, the Sample list library , you can create your list of samples in Compusense before you even set up a test! The samples can be added manually, or imported as a .csv or .dat file , or if you are interested in utilizing an API with your existing internal system for automated sample list updates, please contact our Support Team for details.

Check out a brief video about the Sample list feature here .

Link Samples to Products and Populate Sample Fields Automatically
When linking samples to products, all the empty sample fields will automatically populate with information that exists in the product fields, such as product image.

You can also choose to update already populated sample fields. This is useful if you cloned a test.

September 15/16, 2023

Adding and Updating Samples Made Easy
We are excited to share with you some new functionality for adding and updating samples from files . Add new samples, update existing, or replace existing with new samples from a file. The choice is yours!

Create Designs Like a Pro
In addition to the existing design creation functionality, you will be able to create designs directly in a test! Need a spicy sample to always be seen last to avoid fatiguing your panelists? No problem; no need to juggle file imports. In a couple of clicks your design will be ready for you!

Click here to watch a short video highlighting these new features, or review the workflows on our Support Centre for all the details.

New Sheet Added to the Already Amazing Descriptive Analysis Workbook !
To compliment the information already available in the Panelist Mean Graphs sheet, we have now implemented the Panel Performance Graph sheet for further insights into your panel performance. The new sheet provides data tables and a visual representation of the product intensities for each attribute. The graph shows the panelist means in columns, panel mean as a line box surrounding each sample’s cluster of columns, and the error bars on top of the columns indicating the Standard Deviation (if reps are included in the analysis).

August 11/12, 2023

Feature Addition to the Multi-Language Testing
For all your multi-language testing handled inside one test, take advantage of translation importing and translated template saving capabilities .

July 14/15, 2023

Band plots in Temporal Tests
If you are running Temporal choice tests (TDS, TOS, or TCATA), you are in for a treat, as we have introduced Band plots in the analysis! Simply select the option before generating the Temporal choice workbook and two new sheets will be available to you.

Samples & Designs Beta
More changes are coming to the new Samples & design area! If you haven’t already, from the Samples & design area of any test, try toggling the option to Yes and send us your feedback!

June 16/17, 2023

Analyst Software Translations
The analyst side of Compusense will now be available in French or Spanish in addition to English!
The translations are still a work in progress in the Results area.

In the top-right corner of the Dashboard, you will be able to select the language you would like to see the analyst side of the software in!

French and Spanish will be available with the June release, but we will be working on adding more languages to this list.

Are you looking for a specific language to be added? Please reach out to our Support team and let us know!

Panelist Software Translations
We’re also making it easier to create tests in multiple languages! The following features will be available for Test Translations following the June release:
  1. The ability to import and export rich text translations.
  2. The ability to toggle on or off the default test language.

May 12/13, 2023

Samples & Designs Beta
We have been listening to your feedback and have been working on updating Samples & design . As part of this release we are providing the option to toggle between the current Samples & design and the new one.  Try it out and please provide feedback as we continue to improve the Compusense user experience.


The benefits of the changes include:
  1. Easy linking and adding from the Products library.
  2. Clear and flexible tables to see all the information.
  3. Smooth editing and importing of samples.

Watch for even more updates in the coming months!

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