Consumer Report

Consumer Report


Consumer data has hidden treasures that can be easily missed if not carefully examined. Compusense offers the Consumer Report, which enables you to unpack your consumer data in a more meaningful way.

Panelist Demographics and Sample Rating: The report can reveal to you potential relationship between your panelist demographics and their preference towards samples.

For example, in your decision making about the fabric type selection for your socks production, it can be highly important to know whether there is a relationship between the gender and fabric type importance/preference. The Consumer Report can show you if there is such relationship, and much more.
We recommend to keep demographic and sample related questions within the same section during the test setup. That way the Consumer Report can be generated without the need for additional steps. If it happened that your test was set up with demographic questions in separate sections, you can still run the report but you will first need to filter the data based on the demographic question of your choice.

First Position Effect: Another useful functionality that the Consumer Report provides is splitting the data by the first sample position. This can be particularly useful when analyzing novel or surprising products.


The Consumer Report is compatible with the following:
  1. Sample and non-sample related question types below:
    1. Category

    2. Choose

    3. Rank

    4. Comment

  2. Standard test types and survey test types.

The report is not compatible with:
  1. Question types not mentioned in the list above.

  2. Discrimination test types.

To Generate the Report

  1. In the test, click Results . If you need to exclude specific samples and/or sample sets from the analysis, click Filters .

  2. Click on the Reports menu and select Create report .

  3. Under the 1 Select Report Type , select Consumer report .
  4. Under the 2 Select Options , specify the options you wish to include in the report.

    1. Include Crosstabulations in the form of counts, percentages, or both.

    2. Split the data based on the samples' first position to take into consideration the first position effect.

    3. Split the data based on the responses in the demographic (non-sample related) questions in the test, such as purchase or consumption frequency.
      Only non-sample related Choose 1 questions are eligible for data splits.

    4. Split the data based on the panelist information stored in the Panelists library , such as gender or dietary restrictions.
      Data splits are compatible only with panelist information stored in Choose 1 fields. Text and other field types are not compatible with the Consumer report.

      The report will use the snapshot of the data in the Panelists library the way it was at the time the panelist results were collected.

      If you make any changes to the panelist data after results are collected, those changes will not be reflected in the Consumer report.

      For example, panelist John Smith had in his panelist record that he consumed chocolate on daily basis. You conducted a consumer test and planned on splitting data on chocolate consumption field in the Panelists library. Right after the test, John clicked on the Account button and updated his chocolate consumption frequency to once a week. The next day, after all the expected results were collected, you generated the Consumer report. John's results were included in the calculations for the 'on daily basis' data split, because he updated his record after he completed your test, even though you generated the report after he made the change to his record/account.
    5. Click Change advanced analysis options to update the Multiple Comparison Test as desired.

      The Consumer report always runs 1-way ANOVA; this cannot be changed.

  5. Under the 3 Select Questions , select the questions that you wish to include in the report.

  6. The 4 Select Export Type has only one export type. Click Create my report

  7. Click the download arrow, save the report to a location on your computer or network drive and open it.

Report Details

Depending on the test setup, there can be up to three sheets in the report: 
  1. Demographics - This sheet is available when at least one of the following is in place:
    1. Demographic (non-sample related) questions with data in them were selected before running the report.
    2. Panelist fields from the Panelists library were selected for data splits prior to running the report.

      This sheet includes graphs and crosstabulations (if selected prior to running the report) showing counts and/or percentages.

  2. Data Summary - This sheet is available when sample related questions with data in them were selected before running the report.

    This sheet includes:
    1. Crosstabulations for overall results and on any data splits (if selected prior to running the report).
    2. Means
    3. Multiple Comparison Test, coming from the Advanced analysis options described in the steps for generating the report. 

      The Consumer Report always runs 1-way ANOVA; this cannot be changed.

      The report will use the snapshot of the data in the Panelists library the way it was at the time the panelist results were collected.

      If you make any changes to the panelist data after results are collected, those changes will not be reflected in the Consumer report.

      For example, panelist John Smith had in his panelist record that he consumed chocolate on daily basis. You conducted a consumer test and planned on splitting data on chocolate consumption field in the Panelists library. Right after the test, John clicked on the Account button and updated his chocolate consumption frequency to once a week. The next day, after all the expected results were collected, you generated the Consumer report. John's results were included in the calculations for the 'on daily basis' data split, because he updated his record after he completed your test, even though you generated the report after he made the change to his record/account.
  3. Comments - available if sample related Comment questions with data in them were selected before running the report.

    This sheet lists actual comments from each panelist for each sample they commented on, and the counts for any data splits (if selected prior to running the report).

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