Question Type: Comment

Question Type: Comment


Comment questions are used to gather panelist comments, observations or demographic information, such as their name.  You can specify the size of the comment box (number of characters across/down), and set the maximum number of characters the panelist will be allowed to type. 

Comment Questions can be 1 of the 2 options: 
  1. Sample-related 
  2. Not sample-related
Comment questions can also be set to be 'response related', available in the following test types:
  1. Triangle
  2. Same/Different

Question Compatibility

Comment questions are compatible with the following test types:
  1. Standard Test
  2. Triangle Test
  3. Survey
  4. Same/Different Test

Adding a Comment Question:

  1. From the Build area of your questionnaire, click on the Add Element Button on the left.
  2. Select Comment Question
  3. Add in your Question Name and your Panelist Instructions:

Question Options

General Options
Option Description
Question name
The Question name that will be seen by analysts and in the data.

Show question name to panelists
To display the Question name to panelists during the test, rather than the display name, move the Show question name to panelists tab to the right, to Show'.

Display name
Enter in a Display name, which will show to the panelists if the Question name is hidden.

Sensitive data
To flag the collected results of this question as sensitive, move the tab to Yes. This gives the administrator the ability to remove sensitive data about a panelist should the panelist unsubscribe or be deleted from the Panelist Library following the test.

Answer Required
If an answer is NOT required, move the Answer Required tab to the right, to No'.

Display Options
Option Description
Show Question 
Allow you to set whether the question is not sample-related ( demographic) , or sample-related for all/selected samples.

Present question
Allows you to choose at what point in the test the question will appear. Your choices are Monadically/one sample at a time, All samples at first opportunity or All samples at last opportunity.

Show Blinding Code
Determines whether the blinding code will be shown to the panelists or not.

Allow side by side test
Select Yes to display the question to panelists side-by-side for all samples.

Evaluate Images as Sample
To ask panelists to evaluate a sample-related image file, toggle this tab to Yes. Every time the question is asked, the image file associated with the presented sample will display.

Characters across
To control the width of the comment box, type a number. For example, the default 55 makes the box wide enough for panelists to type 55 characters across each row. Maximum is 70.

Characters down
To control the height of the comment box, type a number. For example, 3 would make the box 3 rows high. The default is 5; maximum is 70.

Comment Max Length
To restrict the total number of characters panelists can type in the comment box, type the desired number. 

Ensure that you click Save to keep the modifications you have made to your question. 

To present a demographic question:

  1. In the Show question list, click Once (not sample-related).

  1. In the Present list, select when you want the question presented: First cycleLast cycle, or during a specific question cycle (e.g., 2nd cycle).

  1. If your test has sessions, in the Show for session list, indicate whether you wish the question to appear in All sessionsFirst sessionAll but last sessionLast session, or during Specific sessions (click Select to specify).

To clone an existing question:

  1. On the right side of the question, click Clone Question
  2. An exact copy of the question you cloned will be added immediately below the parent question. The new question will contain all the connections that the parent question may have.
  3. Add in your question name and panelist instructions.

To change the location of the question:

Use the Move Up and Move Down tabs to the right of the question

To add page breaks between questions:

Click on the Add Page Break Above or Add Page Break Below tabs in the Question box

  1. In the Show question list, click For all samples.
  2. In the Present list, select when the question should display: Monadically/One sample at a timeAll samples at first opportunity, or All samples at last opportunity. (Rank all/n questions are presented monadically only when not sample related.)
  3. In the Show for session list (available only if sessions are defined), indicate whether you wish the question to appear in All sessionsFirst sessionAll but last sessionLast session, or during Specific sessions (click Select to specify).

  1. To use this option, add samples first in Samples & Designs. Then return to Questions, and in the Show question list, click For selected samples.
  2. Click Select. In the Select Samples dialog box, select the desired Show Sample check boxes, and then click OK.

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