Word Cloud

Word Cloud


The Word Cloud is one of the Comment Visualization features. Review your panelist comments using Word Cloud to display a visual representation of  the word frequency and  the relationship between individual words.

The more frequently a word is used across the panel, the larger and darker the font is in the graph. 

The words that were used together in panelist sentences are closer together in the graph.

Accessing Word Cloud 

  1. From your test, go into Results. 
  2. Filter any sample sets, samples, or reps you wish to exclude from the analysis.  
  3. Click Graphs .
  4. In the left sliding pane, select a Comment question.
  5. To use the  Word Cloud  feature in combination with  Comment Sorting  you will have to perform word sorting through the Comment sorting tab first.
  6. In the right sliding page:
    1. Switch to the word cloud graph type by clicking the Cloud option.
    2. Select the samples you wish to include in the graph.
      Comments for up to two samples at a time can be displayed on the screen.
    3. Set the Word occurrences > Minimum (minimum occurrences).
    4. If you have performed comment sorting, place a checkmark next to Yes under Apply comment sorting to view your tags/word groups as a Word cloud. 
    5. Use the checkmarks under Word filter to include or exclude words from the graph.

Understanding and Customizing the View

  Word Cloud 

  • Each word is spelled out as it was typed by panelists. 
  • Word size and colour intensity depend on the word count (the more frequently the word was used by panelists, the larger the font and darker the font colour). 
  • Sample related comments are colour-coded with a different colour for each sample.   
  • Demographic comments have one colour. 
  • The closer together the words, the more frequently they were used together in sentences by panelists.         

  • The samples included in the analysis are displayed in the legend on the right with their number and name.  
  • Click a sample in the legend to hide or display it in the graph. Hiding a sample is useful to gain more screen space when needed.
  • Demographic comments legend displays the word "Response" since there are no samples.

    Word occurences

Use the up and down arrows to indicate the words' minimum occurrences.    
In our example image, the Minimum is set to 10. This means that the visualization does not include any words that appeared 10 or less times in total in the panelists' comments.

The Word Cloud can be overwhelming in comments from consumer tests if all words are included (if Word occurrences > Minimum is set to 0). Consider increasing the minimum value or perform the Comment Sorting first.

The Word Cloud can be exported in a .png image format They can also be captured as screenshots, and they can then easily be transferred into your reports.

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