Word Network

Word Network


The Text Networks is one of the Comment Visualization features. Review your panelist comments using Text Networks to display a visual representation of the relationship between individual words, identify emerging patterns, how the words are connected, and how strong their connection is.

Accessing Text Network

  1. From your test, go into Results. 
  2. Filter  any sample sets, samples, or reps you wish to exclude from the analysis.  
  3. Click  Graphs  .
  4. In the left sliding pane, select a Comment question.
  5. To use the Text Networks  feature in combination with One Word Sorting you will have to access the Text Networks through the Results path described in the previous steps.  
  6. In the right sliding page:
    1. Switch to the word networks graph type by clicking the Networks option.
    2. Select the samples you wish to include in the graph.
      Comments for up to two samples at a time can be displayed on the screen.
    3. Set the Word occurrences > Minimum (minimum occurrences).
    4. If you have performed comment sorting, place a checkmark next to Yes under Apply comment sorting to view your tags/word groups as a Word cloud. 
    5. Use the checkmarks under Word filter to include or exclude words from the graph.

Understanding and Customizing the View

  Word Circle 
  • Each word is represented with a circle. 
  • The circle size depends on the word count (the more frequently the word was used by panelists, the larger the circle). 
  • Each circle has a colour.
    • Sample related comments are colour-coded with a different colour for each sample.   
    • Demographic comments have one colour. 
  • Hover over a word to reveal how many times it was used in the test.

   Word Groups or Text Networks 
  • Words used together in the Comment question across the panel are connected with lines and grouped together into groups or networks. 
  • If saved word groups from the Comment Sorting feature was  not  used, the words that appear in the same panelist comment for a specific sample are connected with a line.
  • If saved word groups from the Comment Sorting feature was used, the words in one group that appear together with any of the words in another group for a specific sample are connected with a line.
  • The thickness of the connecting lines represents the strength of the connection between the words. The more frequently two words are used together, the thicker the line. Each word has its own network.
  • Click on a word to see its connections. Click on the white space to restore the full network view. 

  • Number of networks - sample related comments are grouped into as many networks as there are samples included in the analysis. 
  • Demographic comments are grouped into one network. 
  • Network position - the networks are randomly positioned on the screen. To change their position, change the Word occurrences > Minimum value if required, or close the window and generate Word Network again, or resize the screen.

  • The samples included in the analysis are displayed in the legend in the right-hand pane with their number and name. 
  • Click a sample in the legend to hide or display it in the graph. Hiding a sample is useful to gain more screen space when needed.
  • Demographic comments legend displays the word "Response" since there are no samples.

  Word occurrences

Use the up and down arrows to indicate the words' minimum occurrences.    
In our example image, the Minimum is set to 10. This means that the visualization does not include any words that appeared 10 or less times in total in the panelists' comments.

The Text Networks can be overwhelming in comments from consumer tests if all words are included (if Word occurrences > Minimum is set to 0). Consider increasing the filter value or perform the Comment Sorting first.

The Text Networks can be exported in a .png image format. The graphs can also be captured as screenshots and they can then easily be transferred into your reports.
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