Descriptive Analysis Workbook
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Performance Graphs
What is it? Panelist Performance Graphs is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. It is a visual overview of the product intensities for each attribute, showing the panel and panelist means. Why would I use it? It can be helpful for ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Review
Overview The Descriptive Analysis Workbook provides detailed analyses on product and panelist performance. The report is compatible with sample related Line Scale , Category , LMS , Numeric , and ' Choose 1 ' questions when 2 or more samples are ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Product Means Radar Graphs
What is it? Product Means Radar Graphs is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. It is a visual overview of your product intensities for each attribute. Why would I use it? It can be helpful for initial product performance ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Product Summary
What is it? Product Summary sheet is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . Product Summary provides the post hoc results by attribute. Why would I use it? To identify attributes that panelists used to differentiate between the ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Product Mean Graphs
What is it? Product Mean Graphs is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. It is a visual representation of panel and panelist product intensities for each attribute. Why would I use it? It can be helpful for visually comparing ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Attribute Summary
What is it? Attribute Summary is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. It is a summary of attributes across all panelists, reps and samples. Why would I use it? It can be helpful to gain insight into the attributes and the effect of ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Attribute Breakdown
What is it? Attribute Breakdown is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. It is a series of tables providing results for ANOVA, mean scores and ranks, mean and rank differences and rank direction. Why would I use it? The Attribute ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panel Performance Summary
What is it? Panel Performance Summary is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . An overview of your panel and panelist performance based on five areas that may be of interest: Standard Deviation, Crossover, Discrimination, Scale ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Crossover Scores
What is it? Crossover Scores is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. A table with the crossover scores for each panelist as well as the panel mean. Why would I use it? Find out if your panelists are reversing samples for specific ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Scale Mean Usage
What is it? Scale Mean Usage is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. A table with the mean usage scores based on a logarithmic scale for each panelist. The calculation takes place across all samples, sessions, and attributes. Why ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Scale Range Usage
What is it? Scale Range Usage is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . A table with the mean range scores based on a logarithmic scale for each panelist. The calculation takes place across all samples, sessions, and attributes. Why ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist SD Table
What is it? Panelist SD Table is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . A table with the Square root of Mean Square Error (Sqrt(MSE)) value by attribute and the Standard Deviation (SD) from a 1-way ANOVA by panelist and attribute. ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Attribute Performance Summary
What is it? Attribute Performance Summary is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. An overview of your panel's performance and their ability to discriminate by attribute. Why would I use it? Indicate possible reasons for potential ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist vs Panel Correlation Table
What is it? Panelist vs Panel Correlation Table is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. Displays the panel agreement for all attributes for all panelists using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. Why would I use it? To see if there ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Correlation Table
What is it? Correlation Table is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . Displays the attribute correlation across all samples and reps. Why would I use it? To see if there is a positive or negative correlation between attributes. ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook p vs MSE (Attribute)
What is it? p vs MSE (Attribute) is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. One graph per attribute with panelist p and MSE values plotted. Why would I use it? Quickly identify panelists struggling with repeatability or discrimination ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook p vs MSE (Panelist)
What is it? p vs MSE (Panelist) is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. One graph per panelist with attribute p and MSE values plotted. Why would I use it? Quickly identify which attributes panelists are struggling with ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Consistency
What is it? Panelist Consistency is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. Determines consistency by looking at the range of responses given across the reps. Why would I use it? Identify panelists, attributes or samples that were not ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Mean Scores
What is it? Panelist Mean Scores is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . One table per attribute with different indicators of discrimination among panel and panelists. Why would I use it? Further investigate discrimination ability ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Mean Graphs
What is it? Panelist Mean Graphs is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. It is a visual overview of the product intensities for each attribute, showing the panel and panelist means. Why would I use it? It can be helpful for initial ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Performance Counts
What is it? Panelist Performance Counts is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. A summary of p-values for each panelist by attribute. Why would I use it? Find out which panelists are able to discriminate between the samples. ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Rank Orders
What is it? Panelist Rank Orders is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. Rating scores are converted to ranks for your panel and panelists. Why would I use it? Review panel agreement in intensity ranking without needing to adjust ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Rank Orders Graphs
What is it? Rank Orders Graphs is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. Rating scores are converted to ranks for your panel and panelists. Each panelist rank for each sample is shown in a horizontal bar per sample along with the ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Results by Sample
What is it? Panelist Results by Sample is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . Panelist results and descriptive statistics by sample, attribute and rep for each panelist. Why would I use it? Review panelist raw data and ...
Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panelist Cards
What is it? Panelist Cards is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . Displays a table/card for each panelist showing their response broken down by each attribute, including all samples for each rep. Why would I use it? Provide a ...