Panelists Library Overview

Panelists Library Overview


The Panelists library is one of the first things you will need to work with when you first access Compusense, and you will likely spend considerable amount of time in it for the duration of your access to Compusense. This is because your registered panelists can be added to tests only if their records exist in the Panelists library. Accuracy of their records is important for your testing and data integrity, so panel management is essential. You can:
  1. Import or manually add real or guest panelists.
  2. Update the existing panelist information manually or by a file upload.
  3. Purchase the application form to enable panelists to register themselves automatically into your Panelists library.
  4. Search for existing panelists using various criteria.
  5. Email panelists.
  6. View import/export and email history.
  7. Run various reports.
  8. Reset panelist passwords.
  9. Change panel membership for panelists, and much more.

If you have any questions about any of the content in this video or software in general, please feel free to contact our support team  for assistance.

Total run time: 1:46 minutes 

Date recorded: November 12, 2024

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