Samples & Design Tab
Samples & Design: Edit Blinding Codes
Overview If you cloned a test, very likely you do not want to reuse the same blinding codes that were used in the original test. Even if you did not clone a test, you created a brand new one from a template, maybe you don't like the blinding codes ...
Samples & Design: Hide/Show Custom Sample Columns
Overview There are default sample columns/fields in Compusense that we distribute to all of our clients. These are Sample number, Sample name, Sample type, and Image. There are also Product code and Product name if you are using the Products library. ...
Samples & Design: Activate/Deactivate Samples
Overview There might be situations where you expected X number of samples to be evaluated, but one sample did not arrive to your facility on time. You might wonder what to do now!?! There isn't enough time to update the samples and design in the ...
Samples & Design: Dynamic Design
Overview While the pre-set designs are ideal in most testing scenarios, sometimes you might encounter a situation where you do not have a set number of samples for every panelist. Here are a couple of example scenarios: Scenario 1: You might have a ...
Samples & Design: Link Samples to Products
Overview In your test you can use generic samples, but you can also link samples to products that exist in your Products library. This is a useful practice for tracking product performance over time. In this workflow we will show you how to link ...
Samples & Design: Edit Samples
Overview This workflow will help you navigate through the sample editing process. If you are planning on importing samples, before you follow the steps to edit them, export the existing list of samples by selecting Options > Export (.csv) or Options ...
Samples & Design: Create a Design
Overview Compusense has a wide variety of pre-set experimental plans (designs) that can be added to a test to present samples in a specific order. These same designs can be used for presenting sections in a specific order. However, sometimes a need ...
Samples & Design
Overview Samples and design are core components of all test types in Compusense. Throughout a test, each panelist will evaluate a Sample set . In a product test, the number of Sample sets is equal to the maximum number of evaluations and orders in a ...
Samples & Design: Triangle Test - Single
Overview The number of samples and their blinding codes play an important role in your Triangle test setup. You may create a single Triangle or a double (back to back) Triangle . In both Triangle types, there can be only one Triangle question in the ...
Samples & Design: Same/Different Test - Single
Overview The number of samples play an important role in your Same/Different test setup. The sample blinding codes will not be displayed to panelists on the buttons. However, it is important to specify blinding codes in case you wish to display them ...
Samples & Design: Tetrad Test - Single
Overview The number of samples and their blinding codes play an important role in your Tetrad test setup. The template test distributed with our software is set up as a single Tetrad test type. The double (back to back) Tetrad test type is available ...
Samples & Design: Add and Modify Reps
Overview The reps provide the ability to present the samples more than once to the same panelists, allowing for the collection of rep data (Replication or Repetition). Reps can occur one after the other, or at set dates and times. For presenting ...