Logistics: Save and Load Translated Test Components

Logistics: Save and Load Translated Test Components


Translations can be saved as template attributes, or questions, or sections, and can be reused in future tests. On this page you will find the details on how to save translations from different languages as test components, and reuse them later. It is very important to perform the steps in the right order for the templates to apply properly when loaded into a test. The main steps are:
  1. Save a translated attribute, question, or section.
  2. Create a new test and add the languages to it that the saved templates had.
  3. Load the saved template attribute, question, or section.
If the step #2 above is missed, the translation template will load into your test without any translations because it will not have a link to any language other than the default language. In this case you will have to repeat the 3-step process in the right order.

Before You Begin

The prerequisite for saving a translated test component is to have the component translated.

Follow these general steps:
  1. Go to Logistics .
  2. Click Test Translations .
  3. Click Include/exclude languages and select the language(s) that you need for your testing. If you do not see in the list a language that you require, please contact our Support Team for assistance.
  4. Select the language that you wish to translate and select the types of elements to translate.
    If multiple languages were selected in the previous step, you will have to repeat the translating steps 4. and 5. for each of them.
  5. Perform the translation process directly in the software in the bottom half of the screen, or use the Import and Export options to assist you with the translations.
Detailed workflow is also available.

Save Translated Test Component

In a test that already has translations applied, follow these steps:
  1. If saving an attribute or a question, go to the Build tab:
    1. Attribute saving:
      1. When the page is collapsed, click the three yellow dots and select Save as template .
      2. When the page is expanded, click in the attribute's empty space and select Save as template .

    2. Question saving:
    1. When the page is collapsed, click the three blue dots and select Save as template .

    2. When the page is expanded, click in the question's empty space and select Save as template .

  1. Specify the template name and save it for yourself or entire group, or multiple groups, depending on your permission level. Indicating in the name the language(s) applied to the template can be useful.
  • If saving a section, go to the Overview tab.
  • If your test already has sections enabled, click the three blue dots for the section you wish to save (in the More column) and select Save as template .

  • If your test is not a multi-section test, in order to save the translated section, you will need to go to the Advanced portion of the test Overview tab, and:
  • Toggle the Multi-section test option to Yes .
  • Click the three blue dots in the More column and select Save as template .
  • Specify the template name and save it for yourself or entire group, or multiple groups, depending on your permission level. Indicating in the name the language(s) applied to the template can be useful.
  • Toggle the Multi-section test option back to No. Since you have only one section, there is no need to keep the multi-section feature turned on.

  • Add the Right Language(s) to a New Test

    In order to be able to properly use saved translated template test components, the new test first has to have at least one of the same language(s) added to it that the template has. The matching language(s) added to the new test will load the corresponding translations. If one of the languages that exist in the template is not added to the test, the translated component will not display that language. For example, if your saved attribute had German, Italian, and Spanish, but your new test does not require German, simply add only Italian and Spanish in the tests. You will not need to create a whole new template, it will work well for the new language needs. When you perform the template loading steps further down, although German is a part of your attribute template, it will not be displayed to panelists because your new test does not have it as a language selection.

    Please follow these steps:
    1. Go to Logistics .
    2. Click Test Translations .
    3. Click Include/exclude languages and select the language(s) that you need for your testing. If you do not see in the list a language that you require, please contact our Support Team for assistance.

    Load Translated Test Component

    1. If loading an attribute, go to the Build tab:
      1. When the page is collapsed, click the three blue dots at the question level and select Add attribute template .

      2. When the page is expanded, click in the question's empty space and select Add attribute template .

    2. If loading a question, go to the Build tab:
      1. In the bottom left-hand corner, click Question template.
      2. Search for and select the translated question template.

      3. Click Add selected template and move the question to the position you need it to be in the questionnaire.
        You may drag and drop it or use the Move question feature.

    3. If loading a section, go to the Overview tab:
      1. If your test already has sections enabled:
        1. Click Add section template.
        2. Search for and select the translated question template.
        3. Click Add selected template.

      2. If your test is not expected to be a multi-section test, in order to load the translated section, you will need to go to the Advanced portion of the test Overview tab, and:
        1. Toggle the Multi-section test option to Yes.
        2. Click Add section template.
        3. Search for and select the translated question template.
        4. Click Add selected template.
        5. Delete the default section that is no longer needed.

        6. Toggle the Multi-section test option back to No.

    4. Update and preview your test to make sure that everything is working as expected.

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