Samples & Design: Edit Samples
This workflow will help you navigate through the sample editing process.
If you are
planning on importing samples, before you follow the steps to edit them,
export the existing list of samples by selecting
Samples > Export (.csv).
Select Samples > Export (.dat).
.csv format is useful when sample information does not contain special
characters. The .dat format is useful when sample information contains
special characters.
Edit Samples
in a Standard Test
These steps are applicable to the Standard
test type . Check back often for updates on other test types.
To begin, click Edit samples.
In the Edit samples screen, you can:
- Update sample information.
- Type directly into editable fields or select from the list where available the information you need to update.
- Use the Column picker to display more fields.
- Add an image to each sample if you wish panelists to evaluate images as samples. After adding the images, go to the Build tab and in the Question options of the question that you wish to display the images for, toggle the Evaluate image as sample option to Yes.
- Add generic samples. Click Add sample as many times as necessary to reach the desired number of samples.
- Reorder samples . If you wish to rearrange the sample order (e.g. for your reporting purposes before collecting data), grab a sample by its crosshair, found in the Order column, and drag and drop it into the desired position in the table.
- Remove samples. Select a sample or samples that you wish to remove, and click Remove selected samples . If you added samples from the Sample list library, the removed samples will return to the Samples list.
- Copy product name to sample name. If you linked the samples to products, and if you wish to efficiently copy product names into sample names, select the samples for which you wish to do this, and click Copy product name to sample name .
- Import additional samples. With the steps below you can import additional samples without affecting the existing samples in any way.
It is important that the importing file is formatted properly. The easiest way to obtain the right file format is by exporting the existing list of samples first. If you have not done that already, follow these steps:
- Save the changes in the Edit samples screen to return to the Samples & design tab.
- Select Options > Export (.csv) . Useful when sample information does not contain 'special' characters.
Select Options > Export (.dat) . Useful when sample information contains 'special' characters.
- To open the exported file:
- .csv file: double-click to open the file. Update it as necessary, maintaining the original number of columns and their headings, and save the changes.
- .dat file: right-click on the file and open with Excel or another spreadsheet program.
If Excel or another spreadsheet program are not available in the Open file menu:
- Click Choose another app.
- Uncheck Always use this app to open x files, so that you don't associate the spreadsheet software with this file type.
- If in the list of applications does not show Excel or any other spreadsheet program, click More apps.
- If the list still does not show what you need, click Look for another app on this PC. Search for "excel.exe" on your computer, or search for another spreadsheet program on your computer to add it to the list. You might need to involve your IT in this process.
Once the right app is successfully selected, you will be able to
right-click on the file and open it in Excel or another spreadsheet
Update the file as necessary, maintaining the original number of columns and their headings, and save the changes.
- Go back to the Edit samples screen by clicking Edit samples.
- In the Edit samples screen, select From file > Add .
- Browse to the file that you wish to import and click Submit . New samples will be added to the existing list of samples.
- Update existing samples and add new samples with one import. Inside one file you can specify changes to the existing samples and you can also add new samples.
- Follow the steps above outlined in the "import additional samples" step to export the current list of samples and to update the file.
- Go back to the Edit samples screen by clicking Edit samples.
- In the Edit samples screen, select From file > Update .
- Browse to the file that you wish to import and click Submit . The existing samples will be updated with any new details found in the file, and any additional samples that were found in the importing file will be added to the bottom of the samples table.
- Replace existing samples with a new list. For example, this feature is useful if you cloned a test and need to replace all the samples that were cloned over with a new list of samples.
- Follow the steps above outlined in the "import additional samples" step to export the current list of samples and to update the file.
- Go back to the Edit samples screen by clicking Edit samples .
- In the Edit samples screen, select From file > Replace .
- Browse to the file that you wish to import and click Submit . The
existing samples will be deleted and replaced with the samples found in the importing file.
Click Save to save the changes.
When saving the changes in the
Edit samples screen, if the number of samples changed you might be promoted with a message that the design will change to reflect the new number of samples. Review the new design to verify whether it is meeting your serving/rotation needs.
Edit the design as needed.
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