Products Library

Products Library


Products library helps you organize your overarching products and link samples from tests to those products for comprehensive data analysis. The Products library is also a space where you can have custom fields for both products and samples. Custom filed are useful to better define your products and samples, and for data segregation when running analysis, if so desired. Example custom fields would be: Batch #, Plant Location, etc...

Please contact Compusense Support Team if you would like to add custom fields to your Products library.

If samples of a product are used in more than one test, or on regular bases, we recommend setting up and maintaining the product in the Products library. Each overarching (overall) product must have their own unique Product code in order to avoid duplicates. Their samples can then be added into individual tests for evaluation. Samples on the other hand should never be stored in the Products library.

The Products library is available in the full version of the software.

Making Sense Of Terminology

Throughout Compusense software you will notice that we use terms "products" and "samples". These two terms represent two different things. Let's learn the difference between the two terms so that you can have full understanding while you read the documentation and use the software.
  1. Product is an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale/consumption. Example products are: chocolate, bread, shampoo, etc... In Compusense, the overarching products reside in the Products library.

  2. Sample is a representation of a product. For example, a chocolate sample produced at the plant XYZ, or a bread sample produced on May 31st, or shampoo sample from the supplier ABC, etc. In Compusense, samples reside in tests.

Within the Products library similar products can be organized in Product Groups and subgroups. Subgroups are useful if you have a large number of overarching products that can be grouped together based on their similar nature.

For example, a grocery retailer might want to have a product group named Chocolate and subgroups named Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, and White Chocolate.

These three subgroups examples can have their own subgroups if necessary. For example, the Dark Chocolate subgroup could have the following subgroups: 90% cacao, 75% cacao, etc.

In this workflow you will learn how to create a product group, how to import products, manually add products, update existing products, and run analysis over time.

To locate the Products library and follow all the remaining steps on this page, from the Dashboard, click Libraries > Products.
Use the Column picker to customize the view in the Products library.

Add/Delete/Rename a Product Group

Products in your Products library need to exist in at least one product group. Find out how to manage product groups.

Import Products

In order to link samples to products, the products fist need to exist in the Products library.

There are two ways to import products from a file:
  1. Import products from a .csv file. This is useful for product import in English and languages with similar alphabet (without 'special' characters).

  2. Import products from a .dat file. This is useful for importing product with 'special' characters (languages that use characters not found in English language).

Add Products Manually

Sometimes it is just convenient to add one or two products manually.

Update Product Information

Product information can be updated in two ways:
  1. Manually. Ideal for individual product updates.

  2. From a file. Ideal for updating more than a few products.

Search for Products

You may search for products:
  1. Within a Product group.

  2. Across Product groups.

Manage Product Group Membership

Products can be members of one or multiple product groups and subgroups.

Delete Products

Products can be permanently deleted, which makes them unavailable in the product searches.

Run Reports

There are various reports you can generate directly in the Products library if you collected results on samples linked to products. Choose from the list below:
  1. Products over time

  2. PowerPoint report

  3. Summary report

  4. Top box report

  5. Panelist summary report

  6. Raw data export (all in one file)

  7. Questionnaire and raw data export

  8. Test and product search report

Workflows coming soon!
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