Search for Products Within a Product Group

Search for Products Within a Product Group


There might be various reasons to search for one or more products. In this workflow we will learn how to quickly find products inside a specific product group in the Products library.

Visit the Products library page for more product searching options.

Find Products Inside a Specific Product Group

  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products.

  2. From the list of products on the left, select the product group you know that the product you are looking for is a part of.
    1. Use the Column picker to customize the view.

    2. If you see your product on the right side of the screen, click its Product code to open the Product card to view and update if needed.

    3. If you do not see your product on the right side of the screen, adjust how many products are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired product.

      You can always use the Search feature to narrow down your search by keywords.

    4. If you still do not see the product you are looking for, try searching across product groups in case it resides in a product group that is different from the one you selected.

Once you find the product(s) you were looking for, you can update them, export their information, or change their product group membership.

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