Manage Product Group Membership

Manage Product Group Membership


Your products in the Products library must be members of at least one product group. In this workflow you will learn how to manage all aspects of product group membership.

Before you can change product group membership for products, the product groups and subgroups in which you wish to add, include or move your products need to exist first.

There is a difference between the actions below. Please read these definitions to get familiar with terminology and meaning behind it.
  1. Adding to a product group - Generally, this refers to importing or manually adding brand new products that currently do not exist in the Products library. Since the focus of this workflow is on modifying product group membership for existing products, please follow corresponding workflow links for importing and manually adding new products.

  2. Including in a product group - This refers to modifying product group membership for products that already exist in the Products library by including them to an additional product group. An example would be including a product in a subgroup.

  3. Moving to a product group - This refers to removing products from one product group and moving them to another product group, all in one go.

Search Within a Specific Product Group and Move Selected Products to Another Product Group

These steps are useful when you do not want products to be in a specific product group anymore, but rather you want them in a different product group.

Upon completion of the below steps, the product group membership for selected products will change from one product group to another product group.
  1. In the list of products, select the products that your were looking for.

    If you do not see all your products on the right side of the screen, adjust how many products are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired products.

    You can always use the Search feature to assist you in your search.

  2. Click Add/move/remove > Move to another product group.

  3. Choose the product group you wish to move the selected products into and click Add product(s).

    The selected products will no longer be members of the product group that you selected in the step 1, and will instead gain membership to the product group you select in the step 4. The products still might be a part of other product groups; what you just did does not affect the products' membership in groups you did not select during the process.

A product that is added or included, or moved to a subgroup will automatically become a member of the product group that contains the subgroup. For example, if you added or included, or moved a product to a subgroup named "White chocolate", that product will automatically become a member of the "Chocolate" product group that the "White chocolate" is a subgroup of.

The total number of products in the selected product group will not reflect the new count until you refresh the page or go to another product group and return to this product group.

Search Within a Specific Product Group and Include Selected Products in Another Product Group

These steps are useful when you wish to include products in an additional product group, such as a subgroup.

Upon completion of the below steps, selected products will have an additional product group membership without losing any of the existing product group memberships.
  1. In the list of products, select the products that your were looking for.

    If you do not see all your products on the right side of the screen, adjust how many products are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired products.

    You can always use the Search feature to assist you in your search.

  2. Click Add/move/remove > Include in another product group.

  3. Choose the product group you wish to include the selected products into and click Add product(s).

    The selected products will continue to be members of the product group that you selected in the step 1, and will also gain membership to the product group you select in the step 4. The products still might be a part of other product groups; what you just did does not affect the products' membership in groups you did not select during the process.

A product that is added or included, or moved to a subgroup will automatically become a member of the product group that contains the subgroup. For example, if you added or included, or moved a product to a subgroup named "White chocolate", that product will automatically become a member of the "Chocolate" product group that the "White chocolate" is a subgroup of.

Find Products to Add in a Selected Product Group

These steps are useful when you know in advance which other product group your products are already members of and you wish to search for them directly from the product group you wish to include them in. 

Upon completion of the below steps, selected products will have an additional product group membership without losing any of the existing product group memberships.
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products.

  2. From the list of product group on the left, select the product group you wish to add products into.

  3. On the right, click Add/move/remove > Find products to add.

  4. Select the product group you know your products are members of and select products you wish to include in the product group you are currently on (as selected in the step 2) .

    If you do not see all your products on the right side of the screen, adjust how many products are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired products.

    You can always use the Search feature to assist you in your search. 

  5. Click Add selected .

    Repeat the steps 3 through 5 if needed to include products from additional product groups.

A product that is added or included, or moved to a subgroup will automatically become a member of the product group that contains the subgroup. For example, if you added or included, or moved a product to a subgroup named "White chocolate", that product will automatically become a member of the "Chocolate" product group that the "White chocolate" is a subgroup of.

The total number of products in the selected product group will not reflect the new count until you refresh the page or go to another product group and return to this product group.

Remove Products from a Product Group

These steps are useful when you wish to remove products from a specific product group. Removing products from a product group will not delete them from the Products library.
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products.

  2. From the list of products on the left, select the product group you know that the products you are looking for are part of.

  3. In the list of products, select the products that your were looking for.

    If you do not see all your products on the right side of the screen, adjust how many products are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired products .

    You can always use the Search feature to assist you in your search.

  4. Click Add/move/remove > Remove from this product group. You will be presented with a dialog box outlining what will happen with the products that you have selected for removal:
    1. Those products that are members of at least one other product group will continue to be members of that other product group after you remove them from the product group you are currently on.

    2. Those products that only exist in the product group you are removing them from will end up in the Unassigned product group. You can always locate them there and move them into a different product group as needed.

  5. Click Remove products. A confirmation popup at the bottom of the screen will display.

If you remove a product from a subgroup, that action will not remove the product from the product group that contains the subgroup. For example, if you remove a product from a subgroup named "White chocolate", that product will still be a member of the "Chocolate" product group that the "White chocolate" is a subgroup of.

If you remove a product from a product group, that action will remove the product from any subgroups under that product group that the product might be a member of. For example, if you had a product in a subgroup named "White chocolate", that product is automatically a member of the product group named "Chocolate". If you were to remove the product from the "Chocolate" product group, that product will automatically be removed from the "White chocolate" subgroup also.

The total number of products in the selected product group will not reflect the new count until you refresh the page or go to another product group and return to this product group.

My Product is Missing!

You search for specific products, but suddenly you cannot find them although you know they used to be in your Products library! Don't worry. If they existed in the Products library before, they cannot just vanish.

Try these troubleshooting steps:
  1. Search across product groups in the Products library.

    If you were used to finding your products in a specific product group before, and suddenly you can't find them there anymore, it is possible that someone moved them to another product group. Therefore searching across all product groups might assist you. Refine the search to try different criteria if necessary.

  2. Look in the Unassigned product group.

    Products that are not included in any product groups created by your organization and are not deleted, will be placed in the Unassigned product group. Follow the workflow below to manage unassigned products.
If you still cannot locate your products, it could be that they were deleted. Please contact our Support Team to assist you with reinstating deleted products.

Move Products Out of Unassigned Product Group

The Unassigned product group is a safety net that catches products who might accidentally get removed from all product groups. Although such products are still active (they are not deleted), because they are not members of any product groups that your organization created, they are not included in the product searches.

The only way you can find them is by going directly into the Unassigned product group. Follow the steps below to locate unassigned products and move them to a product group of your choice.
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products.

  2. From the list of product groups on the left, select Unassigned.

  3. Select the products you wish to move. Use the Search to assist you in product search if necessary.

  4. Select  Add/move/remove > Include in another product group.

  5. Choose the product group you wish to move the selected products into and click Add product(s).

    The selected products will no longer be unassigned, and will instead gain membership to the product group you selected in the last step.

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