Logistics: Sample Set Links

Logistics: Sample Set Links


In most testing scenarios, for authentication purposes, panelists need to log in to the panelist website in order to take a test. However, in some cases it may be beneficial to enable registered panelists (those that have a record in your Panelists library) to take a test without logging in while still being able to link their responses back to them. 

In other testing scenarios the panelists need to be anonymous. The Test URL  for anonymous tests is ideal for a controlled environment (such as a laboratory) where multiple panelists are accessing the test from the same link. In other words, the same link is used on all devices, for all panelists, but because there is someone in the lab to control what is happening, there is no danger of same panelists taking the test multiple times. 

However, in some cases anonymous testing needs to take place in an uncontrolled environment, such as home, where the  Test URL  would not be ideal because it would enable panelists to take the test multiple times. 

Regardless of whether the panelists are registered or anonymous, the  Sample set links  feature is designed for the purpose of addressing scenarios where a single link is not an ideal solution. 

The panelists can resume their sample set, even in anonymous mode! 

Here are some example scenarios where sample set links are useful: 

  • Surveys  - To increase panelist response rate, sometimes eliminating the login step may be the key. Sending unique sample set links enables registered panelists to take the survey without logging in, to take the survey only once, and to have their responses linked to them even though they did not have to log in. 

  • Off-site Consumer Testing  - To provide a third-party (e.g. an agency) with your test links for their panelists you can use the sample set links. The sample set links will protect their consumers' privacy while collecting data directly into your test. The sample set links can be used in combination with generic panelist logins or with anonymous panelists. 

  • Anonymous Employee Testing  - To enable employees to provide their opinion on topics that are important for the business, while protecting their privacy, anonymous sample set links can accomplish this.

Whether you are using your real panelists list or guest panelists, to use the Sample set links feature with registered panelists you will first need to verify that you have the correct Sample set binding option enabled. The Sample set links feature is compatible with  Sample sets pre-assigned to panelists 

To change your Sample set binding options: 

  1. From the  Logistics > Sample set options tab, under the Sample set binding options, select Sample sets pre-assigned to panelists. The panelists in your test will randomly get a sample set assigned to them.

  2. The Use sample set links option will become available. Toggle it to Yes

    Click View to see the sample set assignment. If you are not satisfied with the sample set assignment randomization, use the Advanced binding option to control how you want the sample sets to be assigned, or use the Rebind all sample sets option to apply new random assignment.

  3. When happy with the sample set assignment and when ready for it,  start the test.  Follow the remainder of the workflow to learn how to provide panelists with their sample set links.

    It is important to present the test to the web before distributing sample set links to panelists to ensure that panelists don't encounter errors when they attempt to take the test. Here is an example image of what panelists might see when they try to access a link for a test that is not running (not presented to the web).

Registered Panelists: Communicating with Panelists

Once your test is set up and you are ready to run the live test, there are a few different methods for how to provide your panelists with their Sample set link:

Your panelists can also log in to the panelist website to take the test as usual.

Compose an Email

  1. Run the test  (present it to the web) if it is not already running. 

  2. Go to Logistics > Sample set options tab and click Email links to panelists.

    The Email panelists screen will open up. All fields are mandatory.

    1. In the Email panelists screen by default all panelists will be included in the email communication. If there are any panelists you wish to exclude from the initial email, you will have to remove them from the Panelists tab first (panelist removal is not allowed in the Email panelists screen, so you have to cancel your email writing and remove the panelist from the test).

      The To box will display several email addresses for your convenience. If there are more panelists than can fit in the box, you will see at the end of the list of emails text that reads "... and X more", where "X" would be the number of panelists that could not be displayed in the box. To the right of the To box the total panelist count is displayed. To see the full list of panelists who will receive your email, click Copy to clipboard. Paste into Excel and review the list.

    2. If you are composing a reminder email for those that have not started or have not finished the test, you can place a checkmark in the Email only panelists who have not started the test checkbox. The software will send the email only to those panelists that did not start the test and to panelists who started the test but did not finish at the time you emailed them. Panelists with their sample sets set to Complete will not get the email. Typically this checkbox does not need to be checked in the initial email communication because no one started the test, but even if you do check it, it will not cause any issues.

      When the checkbox is checked, you will not be able to see the list of panelists who will receive the email because the software will retrieve the list the moment the email is supposed to go out. This is particularly reflective when scheduling emails to go out at a later time. If you click the Copy to clipboard link, it will copy all the panelists in your test, which is not the accurate list of panelists that will actually receive the email.

    3. The Reply to email address will be pre-populated with the email address that Compusense set up for you with a Compusense domain (the letters after the "@" symbol). For security and successful email delivery your Reply to should have Compusense domain.

      This email address should not be changed unless you are alternating between two email addresses that Compusense set up for you. You should never use your corporate email address here unless your company has worked with Compusense to enable custom domain for email. Contact Compusense Support for more details.

    4. Reply name is pre-populated with what Compusense set up for you. You can change it in this screen, or for a more permanent solution you can change it in the Settings (In the black ribbon at the top, click the gear, right-click the Settings and select Open Link in New Tab. Update the Reply name.).

    5. Specify the Subject line.

    6. You may keep the English language selected, or whatever the default language might be for you in this screen. Language selection normally has impact on emails, but Sample set links are not affected by this.

    7. Click in the pre-set email body and update it as necessary. Please do not remove or otherwise alter the Sample set link wildcard to ensure that your panelists receive a working link.

    8. Before sending the email, you may click Preview to review what each email will look like. If you placed a checkmark in the Email only panelists who have not started the test checkbox, there will be only one preview screen; you will not be able to browse through individual panelists because the software will not know at that very moment who the panelists are that have not complete the test yet.

      Close the preview and make any necessary changes to the email before sending it out.

      Although in preview it seems that the subject line and the greeting line are too close to each other, panelists will not see it that way in their email application.

    9. Click Send now if ready to send your email immediately, or click Schedule and select the date and approximate hour when you want the email to go out in the future.

    Your panelists will be able to resume the test if interrupted by simply again clicking the link you sent them.

    You can always email your panelists from the Panelists tab and still use the Sample set links wildcard from there.

    Exported Sample set links report is useful if the links need to be provided to an outside agency, for example, or a manager, etc. 

    The Sample set links export will not contain any panelist-related information even when you are using registered panelists in your test. It will only export the sample set number and the sample set link. Follow the workflow for exporting sample and panelist details if that is what you are looking for.

    1. Go to Logistics > Sample set options tab and click Export links. The file will automatically save to your browser's default download location.

    2. Open and review the file.

    3. Run the test (present it to the web) before distributing the links.
    Your panelists will be able to resume the test if interrupted by simply again clicking the link you sent them.

    If ever needed, you can copy individual sample set links and paste them where necessary. This can be useful if an employee panelist deleted their original email with the link, for example, and you would like to send them the link via quick chat message. 
    1. Go to Logistics > Sample set options tab and click View.

    2. Locate and click the link you wish to copy. A message at the bottom of the screen will confirm that the link is copied to the clipboard. 

    3. Paste the link where you need it by pressing Ctrl V on your keyboard. 

    4. Run the test (present it to the web) before distributing the links.
    Your panelists will be able to resume the test if interrupted by simply again clicking the link you sent them.

    If you need to provide a hard copy of instructions for your HUT (Home Use Test) panelists when they come to pick products up, or you are mailing products to them, for example, you may export the sample and panelist details report, and use it for mail merge purposes. 

    1. Go to Logistics > Serve reports tab and click Export sample & panelist details report.

      The Sample Set Links will automatically be included in the report, they cannot be selected or deselected from this list.

    2. Choose whether you would like to include design report (optional) in your export and what panelist details (mandatory) you wish to include in the report.

    3. When happy with your selections, click Download design & panelist details report. The file will automatically save to your browser's default download location.

    4. Run the test (present it to the web) before distributing the links.

    Your panelists will be able to resume the test if interrupted by simply again clicking the link you sent them.

    Registered Panelists: Swapping Sample Sets

    In an event where a panelist does not show up or otherwise does not take the test, but it is important to you that their particular sample set is evaluated, you are able to swap another panelist's sample set for the missed sample set. An example of such a need would be when a particular sample set needs to be evaluated to maintain the balance of evaluations between each sample set. 

    The sample set swapping can only take place when these conditions are satisfied: 

    1. The sample sets are assigned to panelists. 
    2. The test is removed from the web (not running). 
    3. The sample sets you wish to swap are not started (there are no results for either of them). 


    Sample set swapping can be used with and without the sample set links feature enabled. However, it is not compatible with anonymous panelists

    To swap sample sets: The workflow will be available soon.


    1. First make sure that your test is set up with anonymous panelists.

    2. Verify that you have the correct Sample set binding option enabled. The Sample set links feature is compatible with Sample sets pre-assigned to panelists. To change your Sample set binding options
      1. From the  Logistics > Sample set options tab, under the Sample set binding options, select Sample sets pre-assigned to panelists

      2. The Use sample set links option will become available. Toggle it to Yes

    3. When happy with the sample set assignment and when ready for it,  start the test.  Follow the remainder of the workflow to learn how to provide panelists with their sample set links.

      It is important to present the test to the web before distributing sample set links to panelists to ensure that panelists don't encounter errors when they attempt to take the test. Here is an example image of what panelists might see when they try to access a link for a test that is not running (not presented to the web).

    Anonymous Panelists: Communicating with Panelists

    Because anonymous tests do not have registered panelists with email addresses included in them, panelists cannot be emailed directly from a test. The sample set links need to be provided to panelists in a different way. Some examples might be emailing them from another application, such as Outlook, or providing a printed link on an instructions page, etc. 

    Whatever the communication choice, the sample set links need to be exported to make them available for distribution:

    1. Go to Logistics > Sample set options tab and click Export links. The file will automatically save to your browser's default download location.

    2. Open and review the file.

    3. Run the test (present it to the web) before distributing the links using a method outside of Compusense.
    Your panelists will be able to resume the test if interrupted by simply again launching the test from the link you sent them.

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