


In the Panelists tab, you will be able to add, remove, and email panelists (trained or consumers) from within your test. You can also update your panelist details from here. These options are standard across all test types.  

Panels and panelists will need to be added to the Panelists library first.

You can link an entire panel to a test.

The benefit of linking an entire panel to a test is that any new panelists that are added to the panel within the Panelists library after associating the panel with the test will automatically be added to the test, too.
  1. In the  Panelists  tab, select Add panelists > Add panelists from panel.

  2. In the Select panel , click the dropdown list and select the panel you wish to link. 

  3. Insert a checkmark in the Link this panel checkbox.

  4. Click Add panel

Manually Add Panelists To A Test From One Panel

You can add individual or all panelists from one specific panel into a test.
This is fairly commonly used approach. Please note that panelists added to the panel afterwards will not automatically synchronize with the test. If you expect the synchronization, use the previous method for linking panels to tests.

  1. In the  Panelists  tab, select Add panelists >  Add panelists from panel

  2. Select a panel from the Start with a panel dropdown. All panelists that belong to the selected panel will be listed.

  3. Insert a checkmark by each panelist  you wish to add. If you wish to select them all, insert a checkmark in the very first checkbox in the header row.

  4. Click Add selected

Search For Panelists To Add Them To A Test

You can search for panelists either within a specific panel or across various panels and add them into a test. This is a very useful approach if unsure which panel panelists you need belong to.
  1. In the  Panelists  tab, select Add panelists >  Find panelists to add

  2. Use various search criteria to find the panelists you wish to add to your test.

  3. Insert a checkmark by each panelist you wish to add. If you wish to select them all, insert a checkmark in the very first checkbox in the header row.

  4. Click Add selected

Display The Columns You Need

When you add panelists to your test, you will have several columns displayed by default. You can customize the table view by using the Column picker.

Click the Column picker to expand the list of all the available fields. Select the fields that you wish to display and deselect those that you do not need in the table view.

If you would like to add custom panelist fields that currently do not exist in your Panelists library, please reach out to Compusense Support Team for assistance.

Search For And Filter Panelists In A Test

You can search for individual panelists, or use Filter to display a group of panelists that meet your criteria.

Don't forget to clear your filters when done using them to avoid confusion. It can happen that returning to this tab displaying only a subset of panelists creates a moment of panic :)

Quick Select Specific Panelists

In addition to selecting all and selecting individual panelist (or using shift click, or control click combinations), you can select specific contiguous rows using the Quick select feature. This can be useful if emailing panelists in batches from within the test.
  1. Click Quick select.

  2. Select

Select Random Panelists

In addition to selecting all and selecting individual panelist (or using shift click, or control click combinations, or Quick select for x number of rows), you can randomly select panelists using the Quick select feature.
  1. Click Quick select.

  2. Select

You can send emails to panelists to invite them to take the test or to remind them about it if they have not started it when expected.

Update Panelist Details

If you wish to update panelist details, you can do that directly from the test by following the steps below.
  1. In the test's Panelists tab, locate the panelist you wish to update and click on their Username. This will open the Panelist card for your panelist.

  2. In the Panelist card, locate the field you wish to update and make the necessary changes. All changes will save automatically when you click out of the field that you were updating.

  3. Click Close to return to your test.

If you are unable to see in the Panelist card the fields that you wish to update and you know that they exist, you can make them display for you by following these steps:
  1. Close out of the Panelist card.

  2. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries and right-click on Panelists. Select Open link in new tab.

  3. Click on any panel.

  4. On the right side of the screen, click the Column picker and select the fields you wish to display in the Panelists card. Deselect those that you do not want to display there. Your selections will also reflect in the tables inside the Panelists library.

  5. When done, go back to the browser tab that has your test in it and click on the panelist Username to open their Panelist card. The fields you added in the previous step should be there now.

If you would like to add custom panelist fields that currently do not exist in your subscription, please contact Compusense Support Team for assistance.

Remove Panel

Follow the steps below if you need to remove a panel previously added to the test.
This could be useful if you cloned a test that used a panel, but your testing needs do not require entire panel in the new test.
  1. In the  Panelists  tab, click  Remove panelists

  2. Click Remove panel

Remove Individual Panelists

If you have manually added panelists into the test, you can easily remove panelists from the test. 
  1. In the  Panelists  tab, select all or individual panelists you'd like to remove from the test. You can use Shift click or Ctrl click combinations to select multiple panelists.

  2. Click  Remove panelists > Remove panelists. 

Anonymous Panelists

We strongly recommend to use registered panelists or guest panelists in your tests whenever possible instead of anonymous panelists. The reasons for this recommendation are as follows:
  1. It is not possible to link data back to panelists in anonymous tests, while data is directly linked to registered and guest panelists.

  2. Every anonymous test has a unique URL. In other words, every time you run a new anonymous test, you have to distribute a new URL to the panelists. This does not make it convenient to create bookmarks for such tests.

    Login URL for registered and guest panelists is always the same for the website you are presenting the test to, regardless of which test it is, which makes it ideal for bookmarking.

  3. For security reasons, the anonymous test URL is very long. This can make it slightly difficult to manage the URL distribution in the lab settings, unless you are using a QR code or a short URL.

    Login URL for registered and guest panelists is not as long, and it too can be converted into a short URL or QR code if necessary.

  4. Anonymous URLs can be accessed by same persons multiple times.

    Tests with registered panelists by default do not allow this, although there is a feature that can be enabled in scenarios where you with to allow multiple sample set evaluation by registered panelists.

With all that said, we recognize that sometimes anonymous testing is needed so we provide the anonymous panelist option as well.

Before you resort to using the anonymous panelist feature, ask yourself, why you want to use anonymous panel. Is it because you want to eliminate the login step in the panelists' busy day? If this is the only reason, we have a feature that allows you to use registered panelists in compatible tests, and they don't have to log in! This way their data is linked to them, but they can simply click the link and go right into the test without logging in. Contact Support Team for details about Sample Set Links.

To make your test anonymous, in the Panelists tab of your test, place a checkmark in the Anonymous checkbox.

If your test did not have any panelists in it, this is all you have to do here. You may continue with the rest of your test setup.

If, however, you had panelists in the test, you will be prompted to remove them first. Please read all the prompts carefully and make the necessary selections.

When it comes to URL distribution, you can either:
  1. Use it as it is seen in the Run test tab.


  2. Create a short URL and distribute or advertise it in that format for easier management. You will have to use your own short URL provider.
    Be sure to start the test before creating and using the short URL. Otherwise it will generate errors.


  3. Use the QR code found inside your test.
    1. In the test, go to the Overview tab and click Booth setup instructions. Scroll down a little.

    2. If you are running your anonymous test in the lab setting and you wish to use the Test Monitor feature, use the first QR code (the Booth setup URL one) and the Anonymous test code to properly set the booths up. Instructions for the setup are on the same page, just above the QR code.

    3. If you are running your anonymous test outside of the lab and you will not be using the Test Monitor feature, use the second QR code (the Anonymous test URL QR code one). Distribute or otherwise advertise it to your panelists for easy scan-and-test method.

Please contact our Support Team for assistance with setting up a "loop" for your anonymous testing in the lab, or if unsure whether anonymous panel is the right fit for your testing objective.

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