Search for Panelists Across Panels

Search for Panelists Across Panels


There might be various reasons to need to search for one or more panelists. In this scenario-driven workflow we will learn how to find panelists by searching across some or all panels in the Panelists library that your organization created.

Visit the Panelists Library page for more panelist searching options.

You may search by one or multiple fields, by one or multiple panels, or combination of fields and panels. See the corresponding steps below.

The searches described in this workflow will not include Paused panelists and Unassigned panelists panels.

Find Panelists by Information in Fields

Example scenario: One of your panelists informed you that their email address changed. You are unsure which specific panel they are a member of. You can still quickly locate them even though there are thousands of panelists across your entire Panelists library!
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Click Find Panelists tab.

    If this is your first time accessing this tab, in the Search criteria , the following parameters are selected by default:
    Field , Email and contains .

    If you have previously accessed the tab and performed panelist searches, you will be presented with the parameters you last used.

  3. Select Field , Email and contains , if already not selected. We have the panelist's 'old' email address, so we will search by it.

  4. In the box next to the contains , type in or paste a portion or entire 'old' email address of the panelist you are searching for.

  5. Click Apply . Search results will display .
    1. If you see your panelist in the list, click their Username to open their Panelist card .

    2. If you do not see your panelist in the list, adjust how many panelists are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list, or refine your search to locate the desired panelist.

  6. Type or paste the panelist's email address to update it. Repeat the steps for additional panelists, if necessary.

You can always further refine your search by adding more criteria (click +Add criteria ).

Find Panelists by Panel They Belong To

Example scenario: You need to send an important email communication to all panelists that are members of your Local Consumer Panel and those that are members of Weekday Consumer Panel . The Local Consumer Panel has 2018 panelists while Weekday Consumer Panel has 231 panelists.

You suspect that some of the panelists are members of both of these panels, but you do not know how many of them and who they are. If you were to email panelists from individual panels, those that are members of both would get the email twice. That is not ideal.

To avoid emailing panelists twice, search for the panelists across your entire Panelists library according to the panels they belong to. Panelists that belong to multiple panels will be listed once in the search results.
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Click Find Panelists tab.

    If this is your first time accessing this tab, in the Search criteria , the following parameters are selected by default:
    Field , Email and contains .

    If you have previously accessed the tab and performed panelist searches, you will be presented with the parameters you last used.

  3. In the Search criteria , from the first dropdown list, select Panel .

  4. In the next dropdown list, select any of .

  5. Click in the box next to the any of to display a list of all your panels. Select the panels you are interested in.

    For our example scenario we will select Local Consumer Panel and Weekday Consumer Panel .

  6. Click Apply . Search results will display.
    1. If no panelists were members of both panels, then the search results would return 2249 records (2018 + 231 = 2249).

    2. In our example, the search results returned 2226 records because 23 panelists are members of both panels (2249 - 2226 = 23).

  7. Select all panelists and compose an email .

Find Panelists by Panel They Don't Belong To

Example scenario: You need to send an important email communication to all panelists in your Panelists library, except for those that are members of Cookie Consumer Panel because you already sent them an email communication specific to them. The entire Panelists library has 5072 panelists, 312 of those panelists are members of the Cookie Consumer Panel .

To ensure that the panelists who are members of the Cookie Consumer Panel do not receive your email, search for the panelists across your entire Panelists library and exclude from the search those that are members of a specific panel; in our case, Cookie Consumer Panel . Panelists that are a member of the Cookie Consumer Panel will not be included in the search results even if they belong to other panels.
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Click Find Panelists tab.

    If this is your first time accessing this tab, in the Search criteria , the following parameters are selected by default:
    Field , Email and contains .

    If you have previously accessed the tab and performed panelist searches, you will be presented with the parameters you last used.

  3. In the Search criteria , from the first dropdown list, select Panel .
    1. In the next dropdown list, select none of .

    2. Click in the box next to the none of to display a list of all your panels. Select the panel(s) you wish to exclude from the search.

      For our example scenario we will select Cookie Consumer Panel .

  4. Click Apply . Search results will display 4760 panelists (5072 - 312 = 4760). Everyone in your Panelists library will be listed in the search results, except for those who are members of the Cookie Consumer Panel .

  5. Select all panelists and compose an email .

Find Panelists by Panel and Field Information

Example scenario: You created a new panel and named it Dietary Restrictions Panel . You would like to add to this new panel all of you consumer panelists that have an indicator in their record that they have dietary restrictions.

Currently, your consumer panelists exist in various panels in your Panelists library. To accomplish what you need, search for the panelists across your entire Panelists library by information stored in a custom panelist field named Diet , for example.

You may not have this example custom panelist field available to you. To find out more about custom panelist fields, please contact our Support Team .

  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Click Find Panelists tab.

    If this is your first time accessing this tab, in the Search criteria , the following parameters are selected by default:
    Field , Email and contains .

    If you have previously accessed the tab and performed panelist searches, you will be presented with the parameters you last used.

  3. In the Search criteria , from the first dropdown list, select Panel .
    1. In the next dropdown list, select any of .

    2. Click in the box next to the any of to display a list of all your panels. Select the panel(s) you wish to include in the search.

  4. Click +Add criteria and click Please select .
    1. Select Field .

    2. In the next dropdown list, select Diet .

    3. In the next dropdown list, select any of .

    4. Click in the box next to the any of to display a list of all possible dietary restrictions available in your Panelists library. Select the items that you wish to search by.

  5. Click Apply . Search results will display panelists from your entire Panelists library with dietary restrictions indicated in their records. Use the Column picker to display/hide columns to assist you in verifying information.

  6. Select all panelists and add them to your Dietary Restrictions Panel .
You can always further refine your search by adding more criteria (click +Add criteria ).

Find Panelists by Information in Multiple Fields

Example scenario: You created a new panel and named it Toronto Beverage Panel . Your would like to add to this new panel all of you consumer panelists that have an indicator that they regularly purchase beverages and that they live in Toronto.

Currently, your consumer panelists exist in various panels in your Panelists library. To accomplish what you need, search for the panelists across your entire Panelists library by information stored in two custom panelist fields named City and Beverage , for example. Beverage field would be a yes/no type of field in the Panelists library indicating whether or not a consumer purchases beverages on regular bases.

You may not have these example custom panelist fields available to you. To find out more about custom panelist fields, please contact our Support Team .
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Click Find Panelists tab.

    If this is your first time accessing this tab, in the Search criteria , the following parameters are selected by default:
    Field , Email and contains .

    If you have previously accessed the tab and performed panelist searches, you will be presented with the parameters you last used.

  3. Select Field , City and contains

  4. In the box next to the contains , type in or paste the city name. In our example, Toronto .

  5. Click +Add criteria and click Please select .
    1. Select Field .

    2. In the next dropdown list, select Beverage .

    3. In the next dropdown list, select any of .

    4. Click in the box next to the any of and select Yes .

  6. Click Apply . Search results will display panelists from your entire Panelists library that live in Toronto and purchase beverages on regular bases. Use the Column picker to display/hide columns to assist you in verifying information.

  7. Select all panelists and add them to your  Toronto Beverage Panel .

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