


The Logistics tab is a part of every test type. The options on this tab will enable you to further customize your test. 

Available Options

  1. Sample set options 
    An overview of how many sample sets and panelists are in the test. You can adjust the Sample set binding options which determines how sample sets are distributed to panelists.  

  2. Labels  
    Select from an extensive list of available label types to print your sample labels (blinding code labels) and mailing labels in MS Word format. Customize the font, print order, and more.
    If your label type is not part of the list, please contact Compusense Support Team for assistance.  
  3. Partial present
    In tests that are compatible with the Partial present feature, this tab will be available to let you set up blocks of samples (subsets of samples) to present at different times, for example.

  4. Serve reports   
    You can generate the Sample report, Sample & panelist details report, and Design report to review in detail the sample set orders, samples, blinding codes,
    and even panelist details in the test to assist you with the serving or sample shipping.  

  5. General test options 
    Additional test options available to customize the panelist experience.

  6. Test translations
    Use this feature to present your test to panelists in multiple languages and analyze the data all in one test. Please note that you have to provide/import the translations.

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