Update Panelists from a File - Passwords Updated

Update Panelists from a File - Passwords Updated


When updating panelists' information from a file, you have the option to update panelist passwords as well, or leave their passwords unchanged. This workflow's focus is on the scenario where updating panelist information in the Panelists library also involves changing panelist passwords.

An example scenario when you might want to update panelist passwords is with generic guest panelists. For example, in our initial guest panel import we forgot that the passwords are case sensitive. At that time we set all guest passwords to start with a capital letter G. This proved to be challenging for panelists on some devices, so we want to simplify the passwords for the panelists by updating them to have all lowercase characters.

This can be accomplished for all guest panelists from a single file. You could update other information using the same file, not just passwords, in the same import process.

Visit the Panelists Library page for other topics that may be of interest to you.

The panelist information update involves the following steps:
  1. Exporting current panelist information
  2. Updating panelist information in the exported file
  3. Importing updated panelist information

Export Panelist Information

  1. From the black ribbon at the top of the screen, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Click on a panel you wish to update, or use the Find panelists feature to list the panelists you wish to update.

  3. If you wish to update all listed panelists, click in the checkbox in front of the Username .

    Alternatively, if you do not wish to update all the listed panelists, either refine your search, or manually click the individual panelists' checkboxes until you select those that you intend to update.

  4. Select Import/export > Export panelists . The Import/export history page will open for you with the option to download the file you just exported.

  5. Click on the down arrow or on the Download exported panelists link and save the file to a location on your local or network drive. Open the file.

Update Panelist Information in the File

We will follow our example scenario for updating only the password for our generic guest panelists. You can apply the same strategy to any other applicable fields for real panelists as well.

The file you exported by following previous steps will contain all the fields coming from the Panelists library, except for the Password. Some fields can be updated in the Panelists library, while others cannot. The fields that cannot be updated are:
  1. Unique Panelist Id - A system generated numeric code at the time the panelist record was originally created.
  2. Panelist Name - System generated information representing a combination of panelist First name and Last name .
  3. Date Created - The date when the panelist record was originally created.
  4. Last Product Test - The date of the last product test in which the panelist completed a sample set.
  5. Last Screener Test - The date of the last screener test in which the panelist completed a sample set.
If you try to import data for fields that cannot be updated, the data in your file for these fields will be ignored.

Going back to our example scenario, as a reminder, we are only interested in updating the Password field for all guest panelists. We will begin by removing all fields/columns from the file, except for the Username.

When deleting unwanted columns:
  1. To select and delete one column at a time, click on the column letter, right-click on the selected area and select Delete .
  1. To select and delete multiple columns at a time, use the combination of Ctrl key and mouse click on column letters. Right-click on the selected area and select Delete .

You will notice that we are now left with one column (Username), but we also need the Password column. Please follow these steps to further update the file:
  1. In the cell B1, type the word Password. It is very important that this word is spelled correctly and that it starts with the capital letter P.

  2. Type the password for the first guest panelist. In our example, the Username and Password information consists of the words guest with sequential numbers appended to it. Therefore, type in guest001.

  3. With the cell B2 selected, hover over the little green square in the bottom right-hand corner of the cell. The cursor will change into a + (plus).

  4. Click the green square, drag the mouse all the way down to the last guest panelist. The Password column should now be filled with passwords matching Username, but with all lowercase letters.

The importing information must start in the cell A1 and continue into as many columns as necessary. In our example, the information is contained in the columns A and B. Please see the image above. If your columns are separated by blank columns, please remove the blank columns (select entire blank column at a time, right-click and select Delete).

Save the file making sure that you maintain the .csv file format.

Import Updated Panelist Information

  1.  In the Panelists library, select a panel. It does not matter which panel you select for this workflow.

  2. On the right, select Import/export > Import panelists .

  3. In the Import panelists options screen, select Update existing panelists > Overwrite passwords with passwords from CSV > Next .

  4. In the Import panelists screen, click Browse and locate your panelist import file that you prepared earlier. Click Open .

  5. Click Submit .

You will be provided with a message indicating whether your import was successful or not.


All the records in your file imported successfully. No action is required for successful imports.

Your file imported partially. The portion of your original file that did not successfully import is saved to a new file.

Download the revised file to review what has caused the import to be unsuccessful, and update the file to eliminate the issue.
  1. If the newly updated file corresponds to existing panelists in the Panelists library, repeat the importing steps above.
  2. If the newly updated file contains information for panelists that do not currently exist in the Panelists library, follow the steps for importing new panelists.

Your entire file did not import.

Download the revised file to review what has caused the import to be unsuccessful, and update the file to eliminate the issue.
  1. If your import fails indicating an issue with the Username column, rename the column into Code and try importing again. Subscriptions that existed before we moved away from Citrix version of our software are using the Code field.

  2. If the newly updated file corresponds to existing panelists in the Panelists library, repeat the importing steps above.
  3. If the newly updated file contains information for panelists that do not currently exist in the Panelists library, follow the steps for importing new panelists.
Once the import is complete, your panelists will be able to access the panelist website the same way they were used to before, but you will have to tell them what their updated password is.

To review the import and export history for a panel at any time, in the Panelists library, select the panel you are interested in, and on the right, select Import/export > Import/export history .

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