Question Type: Numeric

Question Type: Numeric


In a Numeric question, panelists are asked to enter their responses as a number using the keyboard. The numbers can be formatted as a Date, Time, Date & Time, Currency, Percentage, Number, or General.

The number of decimal places you set for data collection in the Attribute options (see the corresponding section) will directly affect the number of decimal places stored in your results.

Question Compatibility

Numeric questions are compatible with the following test types:
  1. Standard test

  2. Tetrad test

  3. Same/different test

  4. 2-out-of-5 test

  5. A-not A test
  1. Survey test

Add a Numeric Question

  1. In the Build tab, in the left bar, locate the Numeric question and click it.

    To insert the Numeric question in the middle of your existing questionnaire, drag and drop it to the spot where you wish the Numeric question to appear. You can always move the question later as necessary.

  2. Update the Question name and add any required panelist instructions.

  3. Update the Attribute name for the default attribute, and update the panelist instructions if needed.

Before cloning the question or the default attribute, we recommend setting the first attribute fully up and cloning only when completely happy with it. This will help minimize amount of work if you were to update multiple questions and attributes later on.

Question Options

Access the Question options to review and set them as desired.

General Options

Option Description  

Question name  

The  Question name  is the label displayed for analysts in the heading of the following areas: 

  1. Question in the Build tab of your test.

  2. Analysis Reports, Graphs and Exports.

Show question name to panelists   

Click to display the  Question name  to panelists or to hide it from them. 

Display name  

(Will show to panelists if question name is hidden.)

Enter the text that you wish to display to the panelist if your  Question name  is of a sensitive nature and should not be visible to them. Editable only when the Show question name to panelists option is toggled to Hide .

Enable requestable question instructions
Provide a button for panelists to bring up additional instructions if they need them. This helps declutter the screen when panelists are fairly familiar with attributes, for example, and occasionally might need a reminder about their descriptions.

Display Options
Option Description
Show Question  
Allows you to set whether the question is demographic (select Once (not sample-related)) , or sample-related (select For all samples to display the question for all samples, or select For selected samples to specify which samples the question should and should not display for).

Present question
Allows you to choose at what point in the test the question will appear. Your choices are Monadically/one sample at a time, All samples at first opportunity or All samples at last opportunity .

Show Blinding Code
Determines whether the blinding code will be shown to the panelists or not. If you are using Wildcards to display the blinding codes in the instructions, toggle this option to Hide to eliminate doubling of information and potentially confusing the panelists.

Allow side-by-side test
Select Yes  to display the question to panelists side-by-side. This feature is available only when all samples are presented on the screen (see Present question options) and is ideal for left/right testing. 

All columns open all the time

By default toggled to No.

All columns to be pinned open

By default toggled to Yes.

Multiple sample matrix
Numeric fields for all samples can be displayed in a table as opposed to a single column. This option is useful when question is presented at first or last opportunity. This option is not compatible with the Date data type.

Tab direction

To specify the Tab direction in a question with multiple attributes, select one of the following:

  1. Down - After entering a response for a sample, press Tab key to go down to the next attribute for the same sample.

  2. Across - After entering a response for a sample, press Tab key to go across to the next sample within the same attribute.

Option Description
The order position in which the attribute is listed in the Build tab. This number cannot be modified in this table. To change the order of attributes, apply a design (see Presentation order below), or move the attributes around as necessary in the Build tab.

This column displays the attribute names as the panelists will see them. 

Presentation order
The default is Fixed , which displays all the attribute in the order they are added in the Build tab. If you wish to randomize attributes, select Use a design . If you leave it at this, the software will assign a randomization using an algorithm in the back end. If you prefer to have a control over the randomization, see the Presentation order design below.

Presentation order design 
By default disabled because the Presentation order option in the list of attributes (in the table) is by default set to Fixed . When that option is set to Use a design , you can then select a design here that best suits your attribute presentation needs. The last option, Randomized , uses automatically generated randomization which does not account for any type of balance, while all the other options are coming from the Designs library.

Shuffle attribute order
Select this option if you would like to further shuffle the design used on your attributes. This is not recommended if you selected a balanced design.

Attribute order assignment for samples within each sample set 
Select from the following options:
  1. Same order - Default selection. Panelists will see the attributes in the same order for each of their samples.

  2. Different order - Panelists will see their choices in a different order for each of their samples.

Attribute Options

Access the Attribute options to review and set them as desired.

General Options

Option Description  

Attribute name  

The  Attribute name  is the label displayed for analysts in the heading of the following areas: 

  1. Question in the Build tab of your test.

  2. Analysis Reports, Graphs and Exports.

Show attribute name to panelists  

Click to display the Attribute name  to panelists or to hide it from them. 

Display name  

(Will show to panelists if question name is hidden.)

Enter the text that you wish to display to the panelist if your  Attribute name  is of a sensitive nature and should not be visible to them. Editable only when the Show attribute name to panelists option is toggled to Hide .

Sensitive data 

The default is No . Toggle to Yes to flag the collected results for this question as sensitive.
If the panelist unsubscribes or is deleted from the Panelists library by an administrator, their data collected in questions marked as sensitive will also be removed.

Data collected in questions that are not marked as sensitive will remain in your tests even after a panelist is unsubscribed/deleted.

Answer required
The default is Yes . If you wish to enable panelists to skip the question, toggle the Answer required option to No .

Enable requestable question instructions
Provide a button for panelists to bring up additional instructions if they need them. This helps declutter the screen when panelists are fairly familiar with attributes, for example, and occasionally might need a reminder about their descriptions.

Show value
Choose from the following options:
  1. No - Panelists do not see the value corresponding to their click/mark on the scale.

  2. Editable - Panelists see the value corresponding to their click/mark, and can type a more precise value in the box if necessary.

  3. Noneditable - This is the default selection. Panelists see the value corresponding to their click/mark, but cannot change it by typing, only by sliding the mark on the scale.

Data Options

Option Description  

Data type

Select one of the following data types:
  1. Percentage - Add the % symbol in the Symbol before or Symbol after boxes (see further below in this table for details).

  2. Currency - Add the desired currency symbol in the Symbol before or Symbol after boxes.

  3. Date - Panelist will be able to select a date on a calendar.

  4. Number - Default selection. Use for decimals, magnitude estimations, etc.


Type or select the minimum number that panelists can enter.


Type or select the maximum number that panelists can enter.

Number of decimal places

Set the number of decimal places to display to panelists as they enter the numeric values. The number of decimal places you select here will reflect in results. If you are expecting only whole numbers, set the option to 0. Otherwise select the number of decimal places to the number that best suits your testing and analysis needs.

Minimum 0 (default), Maximum 3.
Symbol before To display a symbol to the left of the panelist’s input box, type the symbol of your choosing. If the symbol is not available on your keyboard, copy and paste it from another program (e.g., from the Character Map, or from a Word document.)

Symbol after

To display a symbol to the right of the panelist’s input box, type the symbol of your choosing.
Decimal symbol
Select either Period or Comma.
Onscreen keypad
To add a clickable keypad, select Line, Calculator, or Telephone. The default is None.


Click the Results tab to access and choose from the following analysis options:
  1. Graphs  - Visual representation of the data.

  2. Data  - Raw data display for each attribute.

  3. Reports  - Create new or view previously generated reports. The following reports are compatible with the Numeric question type:
    1. Standard report  - Detailed information about counts, means, Standard Deviation, the p-value, statistical decision, and Multiple Comparison Test.

    2. Summary report  - A list of all attributes included in the analysis and their means. This report provides a quick way of identifying whether there is a significant difference and if yes, in which attributes it lies.

    3. Descriptive analysis workbook - Detailed analyses on product and panelist performance.

    4. PowerPoint report  - Visual representation of the data in the PowerPoint Report file format.

    5. PCA Workbook - Visual representation of multi-dimensional relationships among products and attributes.

    6. Panelist summary report - Lists individual panelist scores for each attribute and sample, sample means, Standard Deviation, the number of complete evaluations, as well as panelist comments per sample if applicable. The comments are listed in the report in the position corresponding to the Comment question position in the questions tree.

    7. Hits and misses report - Detailed information about your panelists in training; how they are progressing. Available only if Targets and ranges are set for samples and Numeric question attributes.

    8. Panelist completion time report  - Individual panelists' average completion times and overall average test completion time.

    9. Raw data export  - Choose from the Multivariate, Univariate, and Multivariate Columnar raw data export formats to suit your exporting needs.

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