Panelists Reset Their Passwords

Panelists Reset Their Passwords


For security reasons, panelist passwords are not retrievable in any way after the panelists are added to the Panelists library . Therefore, it is not possible to display to panelists what their password is. If they forget their password a new password needs to be created.

There could be an exception where you might know panelists' passwords because you created the passwords for them, such as those for guest logins, or generic passwords for registered panelists . Even so, this knowledge is available to you through other resources, such as saved .csv file, but it is still not retrievable from our software. In other words, it cannot be dynamically displayed to panelists using Wildcards . In this case you would have to provide the password to individual panelists verbally, or by typing or pasting it into your email communication.

In this workflow we will focus on different ways that panelists can reset their own passwords. Which method is followed depends on the scenario.

Here are some example scenarios and ways to reset panelist passwords:
  1. Scenario A : A panelist is trying to log into your panelist website from their own device, but they forgot their password. Because they are on their device, they can access their email account and reset the password without your intervention.

  2. Scenario B : A specific panelist knows their password, but you have concerns that the particular panelist's password is compromised. You would like to force them to change their password the next time they attempt to log into the panelist website.

  3. Scenario C : Your Legal Department requested that panelists must have unique passwords known only to them. Your entire panel's password was originally set up as a generic term (e.g. sensory), so you need to prompt all panelists to create their own passwords at their earliest convenience.
Workflows corresponding to each of these scenarios are outlined below.

Visit the Panelists Library page for workflows that may be more suitable to your scenario.

Scenario A: Panelist Resets Their Password

Scenario reminder: A panelist is trying to log into your panelist website from their own device, but they forgot their password. Because they are on their device, they can access their email account and therefore they can reset the password without your intervention.

The success of the process depends on whether the panelist knows their User Name and whether that User Name is linked to a valid email address that they have access to. They are not required to know their old password.

The workflow below describes panelists' experience. You as an analyst are not required to perform any steps. The workflow for this scenario is more for your information or to share with panelists if they reach out to you for assistance.

  1. On the login page, enter your User Name and click Lost password . It is very important to enter a correct User Name .

    If you do not know your user name, contact your Sensory Panel Leader for assistance.

  2. On the Forgot password screen, wait for the red horizontal bar to disappear and click Reset My Password .
    The red horizontal bar is a security feature implemented to minimize password fraud.

  3. Read the message with information about the next steps and click OK .

  4. In you Inbox for the email account associated with the user name entered in the step #1, you will receive an email titled "Lost Password for Compusense" with a link to reset the password.

    If you do not receive the "Lost Password for Compusense" email within 30 minutes from completing the step #2 above, check the Spam folder. If the email cannot be found, contact your panel leader to verify that the correct email address is associated with your panelist user name.

    Inside the email, click the link.

    The link is valid for 2 hours. If you do not reset your password within the two hours, you will have to repeat the process again.

  5. On the Change Password page, do the following:
    1. In the New Password field, type a new password. Be sure to meet the minimum requirements outlined on the screen.

    2. In the New Password (again) field, re-enter the new password.
      This will ensure that the password is exactly the way you want it to be.

    3. Click Change Password .

      If you successfully changed the password, you will be taken to the login screen. Your new password can be used immediately to log in.

Scenario B: Panelist Changes Their Password on Next Login

Scenario reminder: A specific panelist knows their password, but you have concerns that the particular panelist's password is compromised. You would like to force them to change their password the next time they attempt to log into the panelist website.

This workflow is to be followed by you for one panelist at a time. Below this workflow we are also outlining what the panelist experience will be.

The success of the panelist experience depends on whether the panelist knows their old password. If you are not certain whether the panelist knows their old password, we recommend that you follow the "Panelist Changes Their Password Through a Direct Link" workflow instead.

Your steps:
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Click on the Username of the panelist.

  3. In the Panelist card , in the Profile tab, click Reset on next login .

  4. When prompted, click Yes, force reset to confirm your action. At the bottom of the screen you should get a notification whether the panelist will have to reset their password on next login.

  5. To reset the password for another panelist, click Panelists and repeat above steps. Otherwise click the home icon in the top right-hand corner to return to the Dashboard.

Panelists will not get any email notifications about the password reset. All required steps will be outlined for them on the screen when they try to log in on your panelist website the next time, as described below.

Panelist experience:
  1. The next time your panelist attempts to log in, they will need to enter their User Name and the old Password correctly, and click Sign in .

  2. They will be taken to a page telling them that their password expired and that they need to create a new password. They need to follow the prompts properly to successfully complete the task:
    1. In the New Password field, they need to type a new password making sure to meet the minimum requirements outlined on the screen.

    2. In the New Password (again) field, they need to re-enter the new password.
      This will ensure that the password is exactly the way they want it to be.

    3. They should click Change Password .
      If they changed their password successfully, they will automatically be logged in.

Scenario reminder: Your Legal Department requested that panelists must have unique passwords known only to them. Your entire panel's password was originally set up as a generic term (e.g. sensory), so you need to prompt all panelists to create their own passwords at their earliest convenience.

This workflow is to be followed by you for multiple panelists, or one panelist at a time. The workflow is ideal in scenarios when panelists do not know their old passwords. However, the steps are also applicable to panelists who know their old passwords, as described in our scenario.

Below this workflow we are also outlining what the panelist experience will be.

Your steps:
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists .

  2. Select the panelist(s) and compose an email .

    In the body of the email, insert the following Wildcard: Create Password Link.

    This wildcard will automatically change into unique links in the emails you send to panelist(s). These unique links are direct links to a password changing page, specific to individual panelists.

  3. When happy with the email, send it immediately or schedule the email to send at a later date and time .

Panelist experience:

  1. Panelists will receive an email notification to the email address you sent the link to. The Change Password page will load.

  2. On the Change Password page, panelists need to do the following:
    1. In the New Password field, type a new password making sure to meet the minimum requirements outlined on the screen.

    2. In the New Password (again) field, they need to re-enter the new password.
      This will ensure that the password is exactly the way they want it to be.

    3. They should click Change Password .

      If they successfully changed the password, they will be taken to the login screen. Their new password can be used immediately to log in.

Visit the Reset Panelist Password Manually page for more scenarios and the ways to manually reset panelist passwords.

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