Manage Test Templates

Manage Test Templates


You can save tests, test sections, questions, and attributes into the Templates library, and use them to make your test creation process more efficient than if you were to create them from blank tests. In this workflow we will focus on saving tests as templates, modifying, and using them to create new tests. Visit related workflows for managing other test components as templates.

The ability to save tests as templates is available to analysts based on their individual analyst permissions level and analyst group membership. All users that do not have "Read only" access can save templates, but only users with administrator access can save templates for others to use.

Save a Test as a Template

To ensure quality of the template tests it is not possible to save multiple tests as templates; they have to be saved one test at a time.
This workflow is applicable to the administrator users.
Default "Read/write/delete" analyst permissions allow you to save templates for yourself only. If you try to follow the steps outlined in this workflow and you do not see some of the options, that means that you likely do not have high enough level of permissions.
Please contact Compusense Support to grant you necessary permissions. We will need approval from the subscription holder for your organization to grant you higher permissions.

To save a test as a template:
  1. On the Dashboard, locate the test you wish to save as a template. Do not open the test; you need to stay on the Dashboard.

  2. At the end of the row for your test, under the More column, click the three vertical dots and click Save as template.

  3. In the Save as template screen, you have the following options:

    1. Save for me only. The default is No. This means that the template will be saved for all analysts in the group or groups you specify. If you wish to save the test as a template only for yourself, toggle this option to Yes.

    2. Template name. By default the test name that you are trying to save as a template will populate in this field. Update as needed to make the template easily searchable.

    3. Overwrite existing template with the same name. By default this checkbox is unchecked, which means that any existing templates with the exact same name that you are specifying will not be replaced. In other words, should a template or templates already exist with the exact same name, you will have an additional templates with the same name if you keep the checkbox unchecked.

      If you would like to replace all existing templates that have the same name as your new template, place a checkmark in the checkbox. Use this only when you are very certain that other templates can be safely replaced.

    4. Share this template with the following analyst groups. If you have access to one group, you can specify how this test should be available to the other analysts in your group.

      If you have access to more than one group, you can specify at individual group level how you want to make the test template available to them.
      1. Unavailable. If you have access to one group only and you select this option, the template will save for you only. Other analysts will not be able to see or use it.

        If you have access to multiple groups and you do not wish to make this test available to the group you are currently deciding about, select this option.

      2. Available. Select this option if you wish to make the test available to other analysts in the group you are currently deciding about. They will be able to find it under All templates when creating new tests. See the steps for creating tests from templates below.

      3. Pin to "Create a new test". Select this option if you want to make the test accessible from the Quick start tab and the All templates tab of the Create a new test screen. Your template test will have blue background in the Quick start tab. See the steps for creating tests from templates below.

    5. Click Save template to save it according to the selections you made, or click Cancel to return to the Dashboard without saving the template.

Create a Test From a Template

  1. On the Dashboard, click Create a new test.

    1. If a test template was pinned to the menu, you will find it in the Quick start tab (top right corner). Scroll down past the default test types in green colour or use the search and/or filtering options to find your template test in blue colour. Click Use to create a test.

    2. If a test template was made available to your group without pinning it to the menu, you will find it in the All templates tab (top right corner). Use the search capability, and/or filters, and/or Column picker to find your template test. Select it and click Use selected template to create a test.

  2. In the Create test screen, specify the test name (panelists will not see this name) and the folder where you wish to save the test. Click Create test.

  3. The new test will automatically open. Update it as necessary to meet your testing needs.

  4. Preview, run the test, and run analysis.

Modify Test Templates

  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Templates.

    1. Use the Search templates box to search for your template by name.

    2. Use the Filters options to filter the templates by:
      1. Template type. Available options are: Attribute, Question, Section, and Test. All template types are listed by default.

      2. Owner. Select from the list of analyst users to narrow your search down.

      3. Group. Select from the list of groups if you have access to multiple groups to narrow your search down.

    3. Click Reset to clear all the search and filter criteria.

    4. Use the Column picker to display or hide columns as necessary to enhance your search.

  2. Select the test template you wish to modify and click Edit.

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