Create Redirect URLs For Third-Party Testing

Create Redirect URLs For Third-Party Testing


Compusense software can be used for many different data collection needs, and yet, you might have a scenario where your testing objective involves an agency that collects some additional information from your panelists. In this scenario you would collect some of the data into your Compusense test and remaining data in a different application that the agency uses.

In this workflow we will describe the processes you need to follow for different redirect objectives, such as redirecting panelists from the middle or end of a Compusense test to another survey/website not hosted by Compusense, and even having the panelists return where they left off in Compusense.

Scenario 1: Manual Redirect Without Returning To Compusense

The Scenario

You are running a test from your Compusense subscription and you are also working with a third-party survey provider (agency) to collect some additional information from panelists in another software. You want panelists to click on a link from the Thank You screen in Compusense. Your agency provided you with the link (URL) where your panelists will be redirected to.

In summary, the external survey URL is the same for all panelists and panelists are not expected to return to Compusense after they are redirected to another website.

Insert The URL Into The Thank You Screen

We are using the Thank You screen for this scenario, but any text screen can be used the same way as long as the expectation is not to return to Compusense after redirecting to another website.
  1. In the Build tab, scroll down to the Thank You screen and click in it to access the text editor.

  2. There are three different ways you can insert a link. You can use either one of the three approaches, or all of them, or any two of them in the same screen.
    1. Paste the URL into the text as is. To accomplish this, simply paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the URL that the agency provided to you directly into your Thank You screen. It can look something like this:

    2. Make a word or several words clickable.

      1. Select the word(s) you wish to make clickable.

      2. From the formatting menu, click the link icon and paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the URL into the URL field.

      3. Since the expectation is for panelists not to return to your Compusense test, leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked.

      4. Click Insert.

    3. Make an image clickable.
      1. Click on the image icon in the formatting menu.

      2. Upload an image to use on the page.

      3. Copy the URL that the agency sent you, then return to Compusense and click on the image (it will get blue borders). Click on the Insert Link icon, as seen in the image below.

      4. Press Ctrl V on your keyboard or right-click in the URL box and select Paste to paste the URL you need to redirect panelists to.

      5. Since the expectation is for panelists not to return to your Compusense test, leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked.

      6. Click Insert.

  3. Complete the rest of the test setup and go through your test as a panelist to make sure that everything is working as expected.

If you need to edit the URL or remove it, click on the link, or the clickable words, or the image (depending on what you implemented) and click the pencil icon to edit the URL, or click the crossed out link to remove the link.

Scenario 2: Auto Redirect Without Returning To Compusense

The Scenario

Without panelist intervention, you want the panelists to be automatically redirected from your Compusense test to a third-party survey where they will be expected to answer an external questionnaire.

In summary, the external survey URL is the same for all panelists and panelists are not expected to return to Compusense after they are redirected to another website.

To accomplish this, you will be using custom HTML in your Compusense test.

What Does The Custom HTML Look Like?

The custom HTML needed for this scenario is as follows:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url=enter in URL of the redirect link">

  1. The highlighted items require you to update them:
    1. '3' refers to the number of seconds it will take to auto redirect from the Compusense screen to the external website. Please update this value if 3 seconds is not meeting your redirect needs.

    2. Enter the redirect link after the 'url='.

  2. Everything else in the custom HTML code should be used as outlined above without changing the text that is not highlighted. Please be sure to maintain the double quotes shown in the custom HTML code for the code to work properly.

Insert The Custom HTML Code

The custom HTML code needs to be inserted into the Code view of a page you wish to redirect panelists from after a predetermined amount of time (see the steps below). Typically this would be in the Thank You screen, but the steps below are applicable to other text screens as long as the panelists are not expected to return to Compusense after the redirect.

The new link will open in the same window/tab so panelists will not be able to go back into the Compusense test once they are redirected to the external website.

Please make clear instructions to your panelists that they will automatically be taken to a new survey.
  1. In the Build tab, scroll down to the Thank You screen and click in it to access the text editor.

  2. Click the Code view icon.

  3. At the bottom of the code page, paste the custom HTML code below and update the highlighted information with the correct information for your test:
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url=enter in URL of the redirect link">

  4. Click anywhere outside the text editor to save the changes.

  5. Complete the rest of the test setup and go through your test as a panelist to make sure that everything is working as expected.

Scenario 3: Redirect With Unique Identifiers Without Returning To Compusense

The Scenario

You are running a test from your Compusense subscription and you are also working with a third-party survey provider (agency) to collect some additional information from panelists in another software. You want panelists to click on a link from the Thank You screen in Compusense. Your agency provided you with the base URL and unique identifiers for each panelist. The unique identifiers are used by the agency to link the responses to the panelists that they do not have access to (your panelists are anonymous to them).

In summary, the external survey URL is not the same for all panelists and panelists are not expected to return to Compusense after they are redirected to another website.

Automatic redirect to the external website is not compatible with this scenario.

You Will Need

  1. The base URL provided by your agency. This is the portion of the final URL that is identical for all panelists.

  2. Unique identifier from the agency used to identify panelists by their system. When the unique identifier is added to the base URL, it will form the final URL, which will be unique for each panelist.

The unique identifier that the agency shares with you would look similar to the unique identifier found in Compusense Sample set links. If we look at the example image below, we can see that every sample set link has identical base URL followed by a unique identifier for each individual sample set. The unique identifiers are what identifies each panelist's sample set even when panelists are otherwise anonymous, and this is the type of information your agency should provide to you to identify panelists (their sample sets) correctly.

Extract Unique Identifiers From A File

Ideally, the agency should send you the unique identifiers all ready for you to use. However, they may not understand how this works in Compusense and they may send you a file similar to what Compusense generates for Sample set links. If this is the case, you will need to separate the information you need from that which you do not need. In other words, you need to extract the unique identifiers so you can work with them to make them function properly in your test.

In our steps we will continue using the Compusense Sample set links example:
  1. In Excel, highlight the column with the URLs.

  2. Select Data > Text to Columns > Delimited > Next > select ‘Other’ and in this case, enter = into the box.

  3. Click Next > Finish.

  4. This will create a new column that has the unique identifiers separate from the base URL. In our example image below we manually added the heading for clarity (it does not get created by itself).

Import The Third-Party Unique Identifiers

Once you have received the base link (URL) needed for all panelists, along with the unique identifier for individual panelists, you will need to import the unique identifiers into the Panelists library into your participating panelists' records. The reason for this is so you can use this information with the Wildcards to dynamically create final URLs for each panelist when the test is running.

You may need a new panelist field to hold the unique identifier. If needed, please reach out to Compusense Support Team so we can help you add a new custom field to the Panelists library.

  1. Prepare an Excel file with your panelists that will be participating in the test. The best way to prepare the file is by searching for those panelists in the Panelists library and exporting their Username and the field that will hold their unique identifiers (this column will be empty in the exported file, and that is OK; we just need the correct column header at this point). There is no need to export any other fields.

  2. Add the unique identifier information to your file making sure that the heading in your file is spelled correctly. If the headings are not matching those in the Panelists library (they are case sensitive), the import will fail.

  3. Save and close the file making sure that it maintains the .csv format.

  4. Import the file back into the Panelists library.

Add The URL And Wildcard Into Your Test

Now that the unique identifiers are imported into Compusense, you can add into your test the URL that panelists will need to go to:
  1. In the Build tab, scroll down to the Thank You screen and click in it to access the text editor.

  2. There are three different ways you can insert a link. You can use either one of the three approaches, or all of them, or any two of them in the same screen.
    1. Paste the base URL into the text as is. To accomplish this, simply paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the base URL that the agency provided to you directly into your Thank You screen and press Enter on your keyboard to make the link active (clickable). It can look something like this:

    2. Make a word or several words clickable.

      1. Select the word(s) you wish to make clickable.

      2. From the formatting menu, click the link icon and paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the base URL into the URL field.

      3. Since the expectation is for panelists not to return to your Compusense test, leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked.

      4. Click Insert.

    3. Make an image clickable.
      1. Click on the image icon in the formatting menu.

      2. Upload an image to use on the page.

      3. Copy the base URL that the agency sent you, then return to Compusense and click on the image (it will get blue borders). Click on the Insert Link icon, as seen in the image below.

      4. Press Ctrl V on your keyboard or right-click in the URL box and select Paste to paste the URL you need to redirect panelists to.

      5. Since the expectation is for panelists not to return to your Compusense test, leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked.

      6. Click Insert.

  3. Click Wildcards.

  4. Locate and select from the list the panelist field wildcard that you imported the unique identifier into, and click Copy to clipboard.

  5. Click on the link or image (depending on what method you chose) and select the pencil icon (Edit Link).

    1. Paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the copied wildcard to the end of the URL in both the URL and Text portions.

    2. Since the objective is not to resume the Compusense test, leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked.

    3. Click Update.

  6. The final URL will look similar to the image below. If you were using an image or clickable words, the URL will not be visible to the panelists.

    The wildcard inserted at the end will pull from the Panelists library the information you imported earlier and match it with the right panelist so that when they click the link displayed to them, it will take them to the right page on the third-party website. In our example we used "Alt Email" field that already existed for us in the library to hold the unique identifiers (we repurposed it), but you can request from Compusense Support a specialized field for this purpose if you foresee running similar tests rather frequently.

  7. Complete the rest of the test setup and go through your test as a panelist to make sure that everything is working as expected. Work with your agency to clean up the test results before the actual test starts.

Scenario 4: Redirect With Unique Identifiers And Enable Panelists to Return to Compusense

The Scenario

You are running a test from your Compusense subscription and you are also working with a third-party survey provider (agency) to collect some additional information from panelists in another software. You want panelists to click on a link from the middle of a Compusense test, complete another survey in another software hosted by the agency, and then return back to Compusense to resume their test where they left off. Your agency provided you with the base URL and unique identifiers for each panelist. The unique identifiers are used by the agency to link the responses to the panelists that they do not have access to (your panelists are anonymous to them). Because you need panelists to resume your test in Compusense, you provide to the agency the base URL and unique identifiers for your test and panelists.

In summary, the external survey URL is not the same for all panelists and panelists are expected to return to Compusense after they are redirected to another website.

This scenario will not work if you are using the Custom HTML for auto redirecting panelists to an external site after x seconds.

You Will Need

  1. The base URL provided by your agency. This is the portion of the final URL that is identical for all panelists.

  2. Unique identifier from the agency used to identify panelists by their system. When the unique identifier is added to the base URL, it will form the final URL, which will be unique for each panelist.

  3. Sample set links file to send to your agency. They can use the information from this file to redirect the panelists from their website back to your Compusense test and resume where they left off.

The Sample set links feature is found in your test.

  1. Go to the Logistics > Sample set options tab.

  2. From the Sample set binding options list select Sample sets pre-assigned to panelists.

  3. Toggle Use sample set links to Yes.

  4. Click Export links and send this file to the agency.

Extract Unique Identifiers From A File

Ideally, the agency should send you the unique identifiers all ready for you to use. However, they may not understand how this works in Compusense and they may send you a file similar to what you sent them from Compusense Sample set links. If this is the case, you will need to separate the information you need from that which you do not need. In other words, you need to extract the unique identifiers so you can work with them to make them function properly in your test.

In our steps we will continue using the Compusense Sample set links example because we do not know what the file your agency sent you looks like:
  1. In Excel, highlight the column with the URLs.

  2. Select Data > Text to Columns > Delimited > Next > select ‘Other’ and in this case, enter = into the box.

  3. Click Next > Finish.

  4. This will create a new column that has the unique identifiers separate from the base URL. In our example image below we manually added the heading for clarity (it does not get created by itself).

Import The Third-Party Unique Identifiers

Once you have received the base link (URL) needed for all panelists, along with the unique identifier for individual panelists, you will need to import the unique identifiers into the Panelists library into your participating panelists' records. The reason for this is so you can use this information with the Wildcards to dynamically create final URLs for each panelist when the test is running.

You may need a new panelist field to hold the unique identifier. If needed, please reach out to Compusense Support Team so we can help you add a new custom field to the Panelists library.

  1. Prepare an Excel file with your panelists that will be participating in the test. The best way to prepare the file is by searching for those panelists in the Panelists library and exporting their Username and the field that will hold their unique identifiers (this column will be empty in the exported file, and that is OK; we just need the correct column header at this point). There is no need to export any other fields.

  2. Add the unique identifier information to your file making sure that the heading in your file is spelled correctly. If the headings are not matching those in the Panelists library (they are case sensitive), the import will fail.

  3. Save and close the file making sure that it maintains the .csv format.

  4. Import the file back into the Panelists library.

Add The URL And Wildcard Into Your Test

Now that the unique identifiers are imported into Compusense, you can add into your test the URL that panelists will need to go to:
  1. In the Build tab, scroll down to the Thank You screen and click in it to access the text editor.

  2. There are three different ways you can insert a link. You can use either one of the three approaches, or all of them, or any two of them in the same screen.
    1. Paste the base URL into the text as is. To accomplish this, simply paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the base URL that the agency provided to you directly into your Thank You screen and press Enter on your keyboard to make the link active (clickable). It can look something like this:

    2. Make a word or several words clickable.

      1. Select the word(s) you wish to make clickable.

      2. From the formatting menu, click the link icon and paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the base URL into the URL field.

      3. Since the expectation is for panelists not to return to your Compusense test, leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked.

      4. Click Insert.

    3. Make an image clickable.
      1. Click on the image icon in the formatting menu.

      2. Upload an image to use on the page.

      3. Copy the base URL that the agency sent you, then return to Compusense and click on the image (it will get blue borders). Click on the Insert Link icon, as seen in the image below.

      4. Press Ctrl V on your keyboard or right-click in the URL box and select Paste to paste the URL you need to redirect panelists to.

      5. Since the expectation is for panelists not to return to your Compusense test, leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked.

      6. Click Insert.

  3. Click Wildcards.

  4. Locate and select from the list the panelist field wildcard that you imported the unique identifier into, and click Copy to clipboard.

  5. Click on the link or image (depending on what method you chose) and select the pencil icon (Edit Link).

    1. Paste (press Ctrl V on your keyboard, or right-click > Paste) the copied wildcard to the end of the URL in both the URL and Text portions.

    2. Leave the Open in new tab checkbox unchecked. The agency's redirect will take care of resuming the Compusense test.

    3. Click Update.

  6. The final URL will look similar to the image below. If you were using an image or clickable words, the URL will not be visible to the panelists.

    The wildcard inserted at the end will pull from the Panelists library the information you imported earlier and match it with the right panelist so that when they click the link displayed to them, it will take them to the right page on the third-party website. In our example we used "Alt Email" field that already existed for us in the library to hold the unique identifiers (we repurposed it), but you can request from Compusense Support a specialized field for this purpose if you foresee running similar tests rather frequently.

  7. Complete the rest of the test setup and go through your test as a panelist to make sure that everything is working as expected. Work with your agency to clean up the test results before the actual test starts.

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