Samples & Design: Hide/Show Custom Sample Columns

Samples & Design: Hide/Show Custom Sample Columns


There are default sample columns/fields in Compusense that we distribute to all of our clients. These are Sample number, Sample name, Sample type, and Image. There are also Product code and Product name if you are using the Products library. These default sample columns might not be enough for your testing and analysis needs, and this is where custom sample columns become handy.

Your subscription might already be set up with custom sample columns, but if it is not and you feel you would benefit from them, please contact our Support Team to assist you. You will need to provide the following information:
  1. Approval. If you are not the subscription holder, please ask them to send us an approval to add new fields to the Products library. We need their approval because the change will reflect in the entire subscription, not just for one user.

  2. Field name. Please provide the exact spelling for each custom field that you wish to see in your tests and Products library.

  3. Field type. A field can be one of the following types: Text, Choose One, whole Number, number with Decimals, Image, or a Calendar. Whenever possible, we recommend using a Choose One field type instead of open text. This is for searchability purposes because the Choose One field type choices provide consistency in terminology, while open Text leaves room for spelling mistakes.

  4. Choices. If any of the new fields you wish to add are of the Choose One type, please provide a list of choices for each such field, with the exact spelling that you wish to see in your tests and Products library.

  5. Expected timeline. Please provide us with the timeline on when you would ideally need the new fields to be added by.

Our Support Team will work with you to add the new custom fields and assist you with anything else needed for successful custom field implementation.

What Can I Do With The Custom Sample Columns?

So Support Team added all the shiny custom sample columns/fields; now what?!

The typical use for the custom sample fields is in tests. They can be used for further sample identification which can be useful for two things:
  1. Displaying additional information to panelists during sample evaluation.

  2. Using the additional information during the analysis for grouping data or filtering data out based on the custom sample columns.

Another use for custom fields is for the Products library purposes, to further identify overarching products rather than samples in tests. We recommend discussing the topic with the Support Team if unsure about the best approach.

Add Custom Sample Columns In A Test

  1. Go to the Samples & design in your test.

  2. Select Options > Hide/show custom sample columns.

  3. Review the list of custom fields, select the ones you wish to add to your test, and click Show selected columns. The custom columns will now be a part of your samples table.

Manually Populate Custom Fields In A Test

  1. Go to the Samples & design in your test and click Edit samples. Populate the information as necessary.

    By default you are not required to populate every field. If you would prefer that you force users to populate custom sample fields in every test, please reach out to the Support Team for details.

  2. Click Save to save the changes.

Import Sample Information From A File

If you are dealing with a larger number of samples or a larger number of custom sample fields that is not so convenient to update manually, you can always import the information from a file if that information already exists in another application.

You may also consider taking advantage of our Sample List feature.

Display Custom Sample Field Information To Panelists

You might have a scenario where you want to display information from the custom sample fields to the panelists. For example, the default field, Sample name, contains sensitive information about the sample that panelists should not see. Yet, you absolutely need that information in your reports. Therefore, keep the sample name information as it is and add the sample name that is presentable to panelists into a custom field, such as Description, for example. Use the steps above for adding such field and populating it with the right information.

When done, you can then update your ballot (questionnaire) to display the 'panelist friendly' sample name:
  1. Go to the Build tab and expand the question where you wish to display the newly created description.

  2. Type the instructions if they are not already there, or insert a snippet if you have one, or update the existing instructions as necessary.

  3. Click with the mouse in the spot within the instructions where you wish to insert the description and click Wildcards.

  4. From the list of wildcards select Sample - Description, or whatever your custom sample field name is. The sample field name will always be preceded with the word "Sample - " in the list of wildcards.

  5. Click Insert. Preview your test and if happy with it, run it to the panelists.

After the data is collected, you can use the custom sample fields in your test to help you further narrow down your analysis. You can use the Advanced Search & Analysis Across Tests or the reports available in the Products library.

Hide Custom Sample Columns

If you do not need the custom sample columns currently shown in your test (maybe you cloned a test and have different testing needs), follow the steps below to hide them:
  1. Go to the Samples & design in your test.

  2. Select Options > Hide/show custom sample columns.

  3. Review the list of custom fields, deselect the ones you do not need in your test, and click Show selected columns. The custom columns you deselected will no longer be displayed in your samples table.

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