Question Type: Flash Profiling

Question Type: Flash Profiling


The Flash profiling testing is a sensory testing method that helps us understand the sensory positioning of products. It allows both trained and untrained panelists to evaluate a group of samples simultaneously and create their own attributes to describe the samples. Panelists are then prompted to rank the samples for each attribute they created.

This time- and cost-effective technique can be used at the initial stage of a project to create the sensory attributes for conventional Descriptive Analysis, for example. It can also be used as a rapid technique for identifying discriminating products in a large pool of products. Instead of using line or category scales, this method has the panelist rank the samples for the created attribute.

Question Compatibility

The Flash profiling question is compatible with the Standard test type.

Add the Question:

  1. In the Build tab of your test, in the left sliding pane, click the Preference question. This will add the question to the bottom of your questionnaire.

    You are able to drag and drop a new question to the location of your choice in your questionnaire.
    You can also move your questions after adding them by using the Move question option, or by using the cross-hairs handle.

  2. Click in the Add question name box and update the name to reflect the nature of the question. 

  3. The Preference question will have preset instructions for panelists. Click in the text area to update as needed.
Images, Wildcards , and Snippets can be added in the panelist instructions.

Question Options

By default, the Flash profiling question is set to appear for all samples at first opportunity. This means that if your questionnaire contains other question types in addition to the Flash profiling question, the Flash profiling question will be displayed to panelists once while other questions that may be set to display monadically will display for each sample individually in the position in the questionnaire you placed them in.

Click Question options to access a list of options available to further customize your question.

If you don't see the menu options on the right, click the question in the Build tab to highlight the question, or click the three vertical blue dots to access the Question options menu.

Options in the General Tab 

Option Name  

Option Description  

Question name  

The  Question name  is the label displayed for analysts in the heading of the following areas: 

  1. Question in the Build tab of your test.

  2. Analysis Reports, Graphs and Exports.

Show question name to panelists   

Click to display the  Question name  to panelists or to hide it from them. 

Display name

(Will show to panelists if question name is hidden.)  

Enter the text that you wish to display to the panelist if your  Question name  is of a sensitive nature and should not be visible to them.

Enable requestable question instructions
Provide a button for panelists to bring up additional instructions if they need them. This helps declutter the screen when panelists are fairly familiar with attributes, for example, and occasionally might need a reminder about their descriptions.

Options in the Display Tab

Option Name 

Option Description 

Show question 

This will control whether your question will be sample related, test related, or not sample related. 

  1. For all samples : The default selection. The question will display for all the samples in your test. 

  2. For selected samples: The question will display only for samples that you specify it should display for. If your test had more than 2 samples, but you want to ask the preference question only on two of the samples, you can use this option.  

Present question

Specify how you'd like the question to appear:    

  1. All samples at first opportunity : The default selection. This will display the question to the panelists for all the samples on the same page, in the first cycle through the questionnaire.  

  2. All samples at last opportunity This will display the question to the panelist for all the samples on the same page, in the last cycle through the questionnaire.

Sample display 

Select an option from the following:
  1. Sample label only: The default selection. Sample buttons display only the label type selected in the Sample label to show option (see the next row below).

  2. Sample multimedia only:  Sample buttons display only the images associated with the samples in Samples & design tab.

  3. Sample label and multimedia:  Sample buttons display both the label type selected in the Sample label to show option and associated images.

Sample label to show 

Select an option from the following:
  1. Sample blinding code:  The default selection. Sample blinding codes display to panelists.

  2. Sample name:  Sample names display to panelists.

  3. Product name:  Product names as stored in the Products library display to panelists.

  4. Product code:  Product codes as stored in the Products library display to panelists.


Min attributes

Enter the number of attributes panelists must evaluate. The default is 2.

Max attributes (unlimited = 0) 

Enter the total number of attributes panelists can evaluate. The default is 0 (unlimited).

The attributes created by multiple panelists that are spelt the same are consolidated in the analysis and in the exported raw data. Attributes that are not spelt the same are not consolidated in the analysis (e.g. 'crisp' and 'crispy' are treated as two different attributes). You have the flexibility to reorganize the raw data exported into an Excel file prior to analyzing it in the XLStat.


Compusense Standard Report analysis provides the Friedman's Analysis of Rank, or you can export the raw results and with some formatting run a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) in XLStat.

Click the Results tab to access and choose from the following analysis options:  
  1. Graphs - Visual representation of the data.

  1. Data - Raw data display of frequencies showing how many times each sample was ranked for each attribute. 

  2. Reports - Create new or view previously generated reports, or schedule and view scheduled reports.

    The following reports are compatible with the Flash profiling question type:
    1. Standard report - The following details are included in the report:
    1. Crosstabulation and Percentage Crosstabulation

    2. Friedman's Analysis of Rank and p-value

    3. Significant difference decision at the 10%, 5%, and 1% significance levels..

    4. Multiple Comparison Test. Click Change advanced analysis options to select the post hoc that meets your company standards. The default is Tukey's at 5%.
    1. Panelist completion time report - Provides the average test completion time for the test and the total time for each panelist.

    1. Raw data export - Choose from the Multivariate, Univariate, and Multivariate Columnar raw data export formats to suit your exporting needs. With some formatting of the data, you can run a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) in XLStat.

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