Create Custom Wildcards

Create Custom Wildcards


In addition to the built-in wildcards, you can create custom wildcards that are based on responses panelists have made in previous Ranking, Category, Comment, "Choose", or Sort all and Sort n questions.

For example, you have a Rank question, and in a follow-up Comment question you would like panelists to provide more information about their top choice. To accomplish this, you can use a custom wildcard in the Comment question to display the top ranked choice to the panelist to help them provide comments about their selection. It could look something like this: "You picked [RankFirst]. Please tell us why this was your top choice?"

Another example would be to ask panelists to rank the choices they made in a previous 'Check all that apply' question.

Considerations :
  1. Before you create custom wildcards, you must have already added the questions the responses will be pulled from.

  2. The question in which you are creating a wildcard must be separated by a page break from the question you are pulling the responses from.

  3. You can create up to 50 custom wildcards in a question.

  4. Custom wildcards are not transferable between questions. In other words, custom wildcard #1, for example, when set up in a Comment question is only applicable to that question. If you require a wildcard in another question (regardless of the question type), you will have to set it up in that question the way you need it to behave there. You can reuse the custom wildcard number if you wish because it is not linked to any other wildcards in any way.

To create and insert a custom wildcard:

  1. In the Text Editor window of the question screen, click where you want the wildcard to be inserted.

  2. Click Wildcards.

  3. In the Wildcard window, click Add custom wildcard.

  4. In the Customize wildcards window, click Customize.

  5. In the Customize: WILDCARD#  window, do the following:

    1. In the Response from list, click the question from which the answer will be pulled.

    2. In the Response type list, click the specific answer that will be pulled. Note that the options in this list depend on the question type. For example:
      1. Items Chosen pulls all items selected in a preceding choose question.

      2. Rank First pulls the panelist's first choice in a preceding ranking question.

      3. Comment pulls text entered in a preceding Comment question.

      4. Items in bin pulls

      5. Category Value pulls the category box value from the preceding Category attribute.

    3. In the Display list, click how you want the pulled answer to display (e.g., Choice Text, Category value or Category descriptor text). This option is not available for all question types.
      For Category boxes where descriptors are not present, their category values will be pulled instead.
    4. In the Sort group list, select the group you want the items to be pulled from. This is available only if pulling from a Sort all question type.

    5. Click Save.

  6. In the Customize wildcards window, the new wildcard information appears. Click OK.

  7. In the Wildcards window, the new wildcard is added to the list. Click the custom wildcard in the list, and then click Insert to add the wildcard where you had clicked in the text editor. Alternatively, click Copy to clipboard to paste the custom wildcard wherever you would like in your text.

    The wildcard appears in the Text Editor window in a format similar to this: ${WILDCARD1}. Please do not change this format, or the wildcard will not work.

  8. To add more custom wildcards, click a new insertion point and repeat the above steps.

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