Panelist Reports: Incentive Transactions Report
On this page you will learn how to generate Incentive transactions reports. The information that this report provides is as follows:
- Panelist details, as per the selections you made before generating the report.
- Type of transaction, as per the selections you made before generating the report.
- Stars, Strikes, and Points totals for each transaction.
- The reason for the transaction that the analyst entered when they executed the transaction, or if panelists redeemed their own points, it will say "Panelist redeemed from panelist website".
- Test name, if applicable.
- The analyst username, if applicable.
- Notes as entered by the analyst when they executed the transaction, where applicable, or if panelist redeemed their points, the reward information will be displayed.
If you do not have access to the Rewards feature, you will not see notes for rewards that panelists claimed.
- Transaction date in your local date format.
Generate The Incentive Transactions Report
- In the Dashboard, from the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists.
- Click the Reports tab.
- Under the Report type, select Incentive transactions report.
- Under the Panelists, select Add panelists and select one of the following:
- Add panelists from panel. This option is useful when you have a specific panel you want to run the report on, or a subset of panelists from that one panel.
- Find panelists to add. This option is useful when you need to generate the report on panelists that are not necessarily in one specific panel, or you are not sure what panels they all belong to.
When you find and select panelists you wish to generate the report on, click Add selected. Scroll further down on the page for the next step.
- Under the Options, select the information you wish to include in the report. This is where you can specify the transaction types you are interested in (by default all are selected), and the transaction date range you are interested in.
- Scroll down and click Create my report. Download and open the report to review.
Here is an example report that features a panelist redeeming their own points for a reward on your panelist website.
In the Notes column, in the cell I3, we can see the following information:
- The reward ID (152).
- The reward name (50% Off Coupon).
- The code (3T112R332).

The rewards information in the
Notes column is visible only to analysts who have access to the
Rewards feature. Other analysts will not see the information in the Notes for points that panelists redeemed by themselves, but will still be able to see all the other details in other columns and transaction types.
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