Samples & Design: Link Samples to Products

Samples & Design: Link Samples to Products


In your test you can use generic samples, but you can also link samples to products that exist in your Products library. This is a useful practice for tracking product performance over time.

In this workflow we will show you how to link samples to products. Ideally, these steps should take place before data is collected, but when necessary, they can be performed after the data is collected, as long as the test is not set to Complete.

The prerequisite for linking samples to products is to actually have products available in your Products library to link to. First you need to have a product group where you will add products, and then you need to import the products. Watch the video about quality testing for further details about the Products library.

Before You Begin

If you have custom product fields in your Products library and you wish to have some or all of them visible by default when linking samples to products, follow the steps below to set up the view exactly the way you want it. These steps need to be performed only once, until you have a need to change the view again.
  1. From the black ribbon at the top of the screen, select Libraries > Products.

  2. On the left-hand side, select any Product group.

  3. On the right, click Column picker and select the fields you want to be available when linking samples to products moving forward. Deselect those you do not want.
The above steps are not required to do because the Column picker exists in the link samples to products screen, but it will save you time if your preferred columns are displayed by default at all times.

Contact our Support Team for assistance with creating new custom sample fields.

In this scenario, we are testing 3 samples and all of them are samples of one product.

Select Options > Link to products and follow the steps below.

  1. In the Search criteria, specify how you want to find your product. Click Apply.
    If the search results did not return the product you were looking for, refine your search.

  2. In the bottom right side of the screen, select the product you wish to link your samples to.

  3. On the left-hand side, click in the first checkbox to select all the samples. If you wish to link a subset of samples to the selected product, deselect those that are not applicable.

  4. Click Link multiple samples to one product.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Make New Samples from Selected Products

A faster approach to the same scenario as above where we want to link all samples to one product, would be to use the built in functionality to create samples from products, rather then adding generic ones and then linking them.

This functionality can be also used for adding more samples in addition to the existing ones.

Go to the Samples & design tab of your test, select Samples > Link to products and follow the steps below:
  1. In the Search criteria, specify how you want to find your product. Click Apply.
    If the search results did not return the product you were looking for, refine your search.

  2. In the bottom right side of the screen, select the product or multiple products you wish to create your samples from (and consequently automatically link to).

  3. On the left, click Make new samples from selected products.
    If you selected one product, one sample will be added with each click on this button. If you selected multiple products, one of each of their samples will be added with each click on the button.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

In this scenario, we are testing 2 samples and both of them are samples of different products.

Go to the Samples & design tab of your test, select Samples > Link to products and follow the steps below:
  1. In the Search criteria, specify how you want to find your product. Click Apply.
    If the search results did not return the product you were looking for, refine your search.

  2. In the bottom right side of the screen, select the product you wish to link your samples to.

  3. On the left side, click on the sample you wish to link to the selected product.

  4. Above the list of samples, click Link selected.

  5. On the right side of the screen, select the next product you wish to link your last sample to.

  6. On the left side, select the remaining sample.

  7. Click Link selected.

  8. Click Save to save the changes.

In an event where you need to unlink a sample, to perhaps link it to another product, go to the Samples & design tab of your test, select Samples > Link to products and follow the steps below:
  1. On the left side, click on the sample or samples you wish to unlink from the products they are currently linked to.

  2. Click Save to save the changes, or follow any of the other applicable workflows outlined above to link samples differently.

Workflow coming up soon.

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