Logistics: Generate the Serve Order

Logistics: Generate the Serve Order


The Serve reports are great tools that can help you prepare for your upcoming test. Compusense provides several different ways to generate the serve order. On this page we will focus on one of the ways, the MS Word version of the report.

Before You Begin

The report generating options will depend on the sample set binding options, and whether or not reps and Partial present are included in the test. Please be sure to select the options in the Logistics > Sample set options tab that work best for your sample set serving purposes, and also if applicable set the sections, or reps and Partial present up before generating the Serve report.

Generate the Report

  1. In your test, go to the Logistics tab.

  2. Click the Serve reports tab.

  3. Select the page orientation. The default Portrait selection is great for smaller number of samples. For larger number of samples, Landscape might be more suitable. You may try both orientations to see which one works best for readability purposes.

  4. If you used sections, or Partial present, or reps, you can choose how to split the tables. If none of those exist in your test, there is nothing to split the tables by.

  5. Click Export sample report. The report will save to the location set up as default in your browser.

  6. Open the report and review and share with the persons in charge of serving samples. The table formatting and content will largely depend on the test setup and options selected in the Sample set options tab.

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