Build: FCM - Panelist View

Build: FCM - Panelist View


As you are considering implementing the Compusense® FCM® (Feedback Calibration Method) into your training routine, you are probably wondering what will the panelist experience be. You have come to the right place. Below you can see a table demonstrating the panelist view of the immediate feedback for each compatible question type.

What Will Panelists See

Here are examples of what panelists see when they receive immediate feedback for each of the compatible question types:

Question Type
Panelist Score
Panelist Feedback
Line Scale
In our example below the targets and ranges were set up only for the Saltiness attribute. We can see that the panelist detected that this sample was salty, and they placed the mark on the scale where they felt the saltiness level was.

When the panelist clicked Next, they were presented with the feedback page showing the following:
  1. Instructions they originally received during the evaluation.
  2. Their score for each attribute on the page.
  3. The acceptable range for the Saltiness attribute. The target is depicted with a darker green in the middle. We can see that this panelist scored above the acceptable range.
    (In this example only this attribute had the target and ranges set for this particular sample. Other attributes do not have feedback set.)

Category Scale
In our example below the targets and ranges were set up only for the Sourness attribute. We can see that the panelist detected that this sample was sour, and they placed the mark on the scale where they felt the sourness level was.

When the panelist clicked Next, they were presented with the feedback page showing the following:
  1. Instructions they originally received during the evaluation.
  2. Their score for each attribute on the page.
  3. The acceptable range and the target score for the Sourness attribute. (In this example only this attribute had the target and ranges set for this particular sample. Other attributes do not have feedback set.)

Choose 1
In the below example image we can see what the screen looks like when the panelist indicates that they feel the sample 844 is sour.

In this example a panelist indicated that the sample 844 is Salty.

Here we can see the feedback provided to the panelist when their selection was correct.

The feedback they receive shows them what they selected, that they were incorrect, and shows the correct answer.

Now that you have a visual representation of what panelists can expect, it will be easier to understand what it is you will be setting up.

We have a few guidelines to share with you to assist you with the process.

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