Question Type: Triangle

Question Type: Triangle


In Triangle questions panelists are presented with a total of 3 samples, two of one product and one of another. They are then asked to taste the samples in front of them from left to right. After they have tasted all three samples they are asked to select the different sample. 

Unlike most other question types, the Triangle question is not an option to be added to a new test. Instead, we distribute with the software a pre-set Triangle test type template for you to use in a click of a button! 

If you accidentally delete the Triangle question from your test, don't worry. It will become available in the list of questions to add back into your test.

Please follow the links below to corresponding workflows:
  1. Single Triangle Test
  2. Back to Back Triangle Test (workflow will be available soon)

Question Options

Options in the General Tab

Option Name
 Option Description
Question name
The Question name is the label visible to analysts in the following areas:
  1. Question in the Build area of your test.

  2. Analysis Reports, Graphs and Exports.
Show question name to panelists

Click to display the Question name to panelists or to hide it from them.

Display name

Enter the text that you wish to display to the panelist if your Question name is of a sensitive nature and should not be visible to them.

Options in the Feedback Tab

Option Name
Option Description
Show feedback
Select one of the options:

  1. None: The feedback will not be displayed to the panelists. This is an ideal option for real product testing.

  2. Immediately following question: The feedback will display right after the Triangle question. This is a good option for training purposes if there are no follow up questions in the test.

  3. End of cycle:  The feedback will display after all the questions in the test are seen in the cycle. This is an ideal option for training purposes if there are follow up questions, such as Comment or Choose. With this option selected, the panelist responses to the follow up questions will not be influenced by the Triangle feedback. 

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